Chapter 11.5 || More Lies

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Arya's eyes fluttered open softly and she mumbled an inaudible word. Once she had overcome the disorientated feeling it dawned on her that her head was leaning on Yoongi's chest, she had no idea how she had gotten in such a position. Slowly she moved herself, being careful not to wake Yoongi.

The girl swung her legs across the bed and stood on the floor of his bedroom, she found that her ankle felt fine with all of her weight.

Her eyes scanned the room and she noticed the socket at the tv. There was an iPhone charger plugged in. Arya scolded herself for not thinking of this before.

One of the boys had confiscated her phone on the first night and she did have a feeling it was Yoongi. Arya opened his bedside drawer and inside were some cables and she grinned in victory as she spotted her rose gold iPhone.

Arya silently took her phone and then stole the charger that was in the wall. Quietly she scurried out of the room only to bump into a figure. I am so caught.

"Arya? Why were you in Yoongi's room?" It was the voice of Katrina and Arya had never been more happy to see her friend.

"I fell asleep." Arya said. "Why are you up at 5am?"

"Jungkook has agreed to help us escape." Katrina lowered her voice.

"Are you sure we can trust him?" Arya asked.

"Namjoon gave me a room let's talk there," Katrina muttered and she led Arya down the corridor and into a room.

The room was pretty much identical to Yoongi's but it was more empty.

"What is that in your hand?" Katrina asked as she switched on the light.

Arya flashed her phone and the charger and smiled.

"Oh my god, I've never been so excited to see a phone!" Katrina exclaimed.

Arya laughed quietly as she plugged the phone on charge. She guessed that it would take ages to charge because it had been dead for so long but surprisingly it turned on almost instantly.

It seemed to take longer to turn on because both of the girls were staring, watching as the apple sign popped up. Whilst the phone was coming to life Arya sat on the floor of the room and started taking off the bandage that was on her foot.

"What are you doing?" Katrina asked

"My ankle feels fine now," Arya said as she threw the bandages on the floor and stretched her ankle. It still partially hurt but it was manageable.

The phone had turned on and quickly Arya typed in her phone password and was brought to the home screen. She was shocked and confused to find that she had no messages. None, not even from Jackson.

"That's... weird." Katrina mumbled.

"My messages have all been deleted." Arya scratched her temple.

"Do you think that Yoongi hacked your phone and deleted everything?" Katrina asked.

"Only one way to find out," Arya said and she clicked on her contacts.

"Zero contacts," She read out and handed the phone for Katrina to see.

"Those fly mother fudgers." Katrina scoffed. "What do we do now?"

"Luckily I know Jackson's phone number off by heart," Arya said and she dialled the phone number.

"It's ringing out, unbelievable!" Arya sighed.

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