Chapter 4 || Further from the truth

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After Yoongi had the strong urge to punch him in the face. But she couldn't, because not only was she blindfolded but Taehyung dragged her forward as if he knew that she was going to punch Yoongi.

"Can't any of you ever just give a straight forward answer?" Arya muttered under her breath, receiving no answer in return.

After a few minutes of being forced to walk, Taehyung and Yoongi finally stopped dragging Arya. They must be inside a building. Was it bad that she just wanted to nap more than anything? She didn't know.

She felt cold hands behind her head untie her blindfold and as her eyes adjusted to the light it was evident they were in a building. It looked like a very old house that was connected to some sort of storage factory. Whatever it was, was creepy.

"It looks like somewhere Bloody Mary would pop up and kill us." A feminine voice spoke and Arya turned around, relieved that Katrina was still in the one piece.

"BOOOO!" Somebody screamed,

Katrina shrieked loudly and screamed bloody murder but Arya never flinched.

The boys were laughing at Katrina who turned around to face the red haired Male, Hoseok, who was laughing loudly.

"It's not funny!" Katrina stammered, angry that she fell for such prank.

"Are you guys bipolar or something?" Arya asked under her breath resulting in somebody elbowing her rib cage. She turned around to see Jimin looking a little annoyed.

"Geez Jimin what crawled up your ass and died?" Taehyung chuckled and he received a glare from Jin.

Jungkook leaned over and whispered something into Hoseok's ear. Hoseok started laughing loudly.

"What? What did he say!" Jimin demanded.

Meanwhile Arya and Katrina were standing next to each other, they never knew who to look at or how to react. The boys were blocking all exists so escpaing wouldn't work, Arya knew that they'd have to plan an escape.

"What did you say?" Namjoon asked Jungkook in a more demanding voice.

Jungkook whispered into Namjoon's ear and he started laughing too.

"I swear to god~" Arya mumbled to Katrina, rolling her eyes.

Namjoon whispered into Taehyung's ear and everyone watched as his expression turned into shock and then amusement.

"He said, Yoongi," Taehyung announced loudly.

Arya had to think for a minute before she realised. Taehyung had said 'what crawled up your ass and died Jimin?' And Jungkook had whispered 'Yoongi'.

Arya started laughing along and Katrina didn't understand the joke. Jin looked annoyed, Yoongi looked like he was going to murder somebody and Jimin's face was bright red.

"I am not gay," Yoongi stated in a tone which could only be described as furious.

"Prove it," Jungkook said smirking at Yoongi.

"Jungkook that's quite enough," Namjoon snapped.

"No it's not fair Hyung, Jungkook can't just say that Yoongi and I are gay and then get away with it," Jimin said accusingly.

"Are you?" Namjoon asked.

"Excuse me?" Jimin retorted.

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