Chapter 15 || Rogue

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"Main living room immediately, everyone," Namjoon spoke through the walkie talkie.

Katrina jumped in fright she hadn't even observed that all of the boys had walkie talkies that they carried with them.

"That can't be anything good," Taehyung grimaced.

"Y-yeah what do you think it is?" Jungkook stuttered. Katrina noticed that Jungkook had grew pale.

"Doesn't really matter, if you have nothing to hide of course," Jimin said and he skipped out of the room smiling.

Katrina shot Jungkook a weird look before following Taehyung and Jimin out of the room. The three boys and girl walked to the living room quickly and quietly, suspicion was high because nobody quite knew what was going on.

As they opened the living room door it looked like the Maknae line had made it last to the living room. Katrina nodded at Arya who was sitting in between Hoseok and Jin who both looked on edge. Katrina badly wanted to sit next to Arya but a voice stopped her.

"Don't even think about it," Jimin scoffed.

Katrina sighed and sat in between Jungkook and Taehyung. Namjoon was standing pacing the floor looking worried.

"Yoongi has gone rogue," Namjoon said and there were a few gasps.

"And I need you all to retrieve him," He added he finally stopped pacing and stared at the boys.

"This is serious we need to get him back before he does too much damage," Namjoon exclaimed.

"Jin, and Taehyung you will stay here with the girls and the rest of you will go and find Yoongi. I'll be in the controls room and I will be you're guide." Namjoon ordered.

Katrina furrowed her eyebrows she didn't even know there was a controls room.

Meanwhile Arya twiddled her hands nervously, she had only one shot at what she was about to do and making it count she knew exactly how to throw everyone off.

"Namjoon... Oppa?" Arya said, trying her hardest not to cringe at the word. She was smart and she knew how to get what she wanted.

All five of the boys turned around to look at Arya, most of them were confused but mainly surprised because Oppa was usually what sweet and innocent people said and Arya was clearly neither of those.

"What is it?" Namjoon asked, his face had gone slightly red and he was trying to hide it.

"Can I go with the boys?" Arya asked confidently.

"No. Absolutely not," Namjoon retorted.

"Why not?" She asked.

"Do you even know how to shoot a gun?" Namjoon asked.

"Well I was good on GTA." Arya argued causing small chuckles to erupt from the others.

"Enough Arya, it's too dangerous and we need you alive to open this safe with Katrina," Namjoon uttered.

"So what? I can fight and I feel like I should go because it's my fault he went rogue," Arya argued.

"How was it your fault?" Katrina asked.

"Katrina you're not allowed to talk to Arya." Namjoon glared and Katrina sighed and sank back into the sofa.

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