Chapter 46 || Behind the closed doors

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After finally convincing Katrina to calm down, Jin quickly drove to the nearest motel. They managed to buy four rooms in the short notice. Jin and Namjoon did all of the speaking to the owner of the place.

After getting a bargain from the owner they split up into four groups of two. Namjoon with Jin, Yoongi with Arya, Taehyung with Hoseok and Katrina with Jimin.

They split up into the rooms which were spread across the motel building. Once they were in the bedroom Arya flopped down onto the double bed. She groaned loudly and mumbled sleepily. It had been a long day.

"Do you think I'm going to pass up the opportunity of us being alone?" Yoongi raised his eyebrow.

Arya muttered something under her breath that with inaudible because she was lying faced down on the bed. "Get your lazy little body over here."

Arya lifted her face up so he could hear what she was saying. "Do you know what else is little?" She sniggered.

"That's not what you said a couple of weeks ago." He grinned.

"Shut up Yoongi we all know I'm right," she laughed.

He walked over to her side, "Do you want to find out again then? Because clearly you have a bad memory."

She rolled over onto her back and closed her eyes. She was exhausted.

Arya felt a pair of lips on her own, she opened her eyes but was too tired to kiss back. Yoongi then began to kiss her neck. "Stop!" She said bitting her lip.

She pushed him off of her but kissed him all the same. She wrapped her legs around his waist and he lifted her up without breaking the kiss. All of her tiredness was suddenly forgotten as Yoongi tore her top off and she did the same to him.


"Hoseok..." Taehyung mumbled. He wanted to see if the older boy was sleeping. They were in a cuddled position and they were inseparable from each other.

Hoseok hummed in response and opened his eyes. "I missed seeing your angelic face." Taehyung cuddled the boy like a koala.

Hoseok smiled, "I love you Prince."

Taehyung whispered something so quietly that it was inaudible. "What was that Taetae?" Hoseok asked.

"Prove it." The younger boy said this time, clearly and loudly.

Hoseok turned around to face the other boy and he placed his lips against Taehyung's.


Katrina groaned as she sat her crutches down at the side of the bed. "I'll take the floor." Jimin said.

"Don't be ridiculous Jimin, we can share the bed." Katrina rolled her eyes at the boys silliness.

"Are you sure? We all want you to recover fully and rest well," the boy asked.

Katrina nodded, "Besides, I love Jungkook and your gay as hell."

Jimin laughed loudly at her statement before climbing into bed and under the covers. "If you hog the covers or kick me i am going to hurt you." Katrina jokingly warned.

"You can't even walk how are you supposed to hurt me?" Jimin laughed.

"Shh." Katrina mumbled before closing her eyes and almost instantly drifting off into a deep much needed sleep.


As soon as the door was closed Jin pushed Namjoon into the room. "I can't believe you did this to us!" He yelled at the younger but slightly taller boy.

Namjoon avoided his eyes, "I-I said I was sorry!" He stuttered.

Jin looked straight into the boys eyes, "Look me in the eyes when you're speaking to me Kim Namjoon."

Namjoon having no choice because Jin had pushed him against the wall, looked the older boy in the eyes. "I think I like this secret dominate side of you." Namjoon smirked. "What happened?"

Jin growled, "You left and I had to take charge, that's what happened."

Namjoon was startled at the sudden outburst, "Jin I, I don't know what else I can do?" He raised his voice.

"I've worked my ass of trying to keep us a secret and you fucking through it all away! I hid my jealously when you got a crush on Arya, I held my tongue when you told me you weren't going to act on that crush. And You! You never even spoke to me, or tried to make any contact with me for two weeks. You could've been dead! And you only came back because there is rumours of war!"

"I did not! I came back because I wanted to fight with my family, I wanted to fight for you. All of you!" the blonde haired younger ranted.

"Do you have any ideas of the lengths I went to, to make sure we weren't found out?" Jin said in a low raspy voice.

"When we were playing monopoly that day, when we were kissing Brandon seen us. He told me he was going to tell Arya. I told him I'd pay him money or buy him toys or something because he is seven for Christ sake! The little bugger asked for three hundred pounds. I payed him off obviously. That is the simplest thing I've done to hide us!" Jin screamed.

Namjoon laughed a little, "You payed a seven year old three hundred pounds? You do realise Brandon would have been joking he was probably only looking for ten pounds at the most!"

Jin rolled his eyes and pinned Namjoon against the wall with a tighter grip. "That isn't the point Namjoon. I'm telling you I've worked too much to keep us a secret. BTS would fall apart especially if the likes of this were to happen!"

"The likes of what?" Namjoon breathed.

"Us fighting, arguing and screaming at each other. They couldn't cope with that and that's why we kept this a secret. I don't even know what this is! We have never even been official to begin with and you still throw me away! I'm sick of it! I'm sick of you rejecting me!" Jin yelled in anger.

"Jin..." Namjoon whispered. The older boy never tore his angry eyes away from the blonde. "I missed you."

Jin roughly pressed his lips against Namjoon's, if you never knew the two boys it would still be evident that they were kissing for the first time in a long time. Lips reunited, hands through each other's sweaty hair as Jin lead the kiss. For once neither of them were worried about being discovered, the closed door brought a sense of security.

Jin deepened the kiss and pushed Namjoon further against the wall so that there was so little space between them it was almost not possible. Namjoon turned his head to the side and stopped, Jin assumed that it was to get a breath. But it wasn't. "You know Jin, as much as I am loving this side of you we both know i'm charge."

Namjoon pushed Jin onto the double
bed and reunited their lips, this time Namjoon was leading the kiss. Namjoon slowly slipped his tongue into Jin's mouth. Fighting for dominance Namjoon won easily.

He continued the kiss as he reached for the hem of the older boys shirt.

A/N: I'll leave the rest to your imaginations 😂

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