Chapter 11 || Blood and tears have been spilled

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"Hey Arya do you want to watch a movie?" Yoongi asked as he walked into the kitchen.

Arya wanted to reject him badly but she knew that Jin would get suspicious.

"Shouldn't we get supper first?" Arya asked.

"I'm sure Jin won't mind if we skip it, isn't that right Jin?" Yoongi said glaring at Jin.

"Yeah go ahead," Jin smiled knowingly

"Fine." Arya said unenthusiastically.

Arya looked at Jin wearily, she couldn't believe he would just stand their whilst Jimin was out doing god knows what, and she had prayed that he would make them eat supper but apparently Jin didn't care.

Arya followed Yoongi into his bedroom, the walls were painted white and the furniture was all black. There was a black double bed with white bed sheets and a flat screen TV across from the bed.

"So what do you want to watch?" Yoongi asked.

"I don't mind," Arya said.

"How about The Exorcism of Emily Rose?" Yoongi asked smirking.

"Isn't that a really scary horror movie?" Arya asked biting her lip. She was never good at watching anything scary.

"Yes it is, why is there a problem?" Yoongi asked innocently.

"Nope no problem," Arya said quickly, but in her mind she was thinking that Yoongi was a little shit head and that she had to get revenge on him for making her watch a horror movie.

"Brilliant," Yoongi said and his brown eyes seemed to sparkle.

Arya sat down on his bed whilst he put on the tv, the movie started to load and Arya was getting more nervous by the second. She could never watch horror movies without having nightmares for at least a week. Surprisingly Katrina was always better when it came to horror movies, she seemed to love them.

"Are you okay Arya? You look like you're about to cry." Yoongi laughed.

"I'm fine," She retorted.

Yoongi laughed at her and then he sat next to her and pressed play. The credits at the start were coming up when the door opened. Katrina burst into the room.

"Oh my god are you guys watching The Exorcism of Emily Rose? I've been trying to convince Arya to watch that for months!" Katrina exclaimed as she looked at the tv screen.

"Do you want to watch it with us?" Arya asked pleadingly. Katrina knew her friend too well she knew that Arya was telling Katrina to watch it and not asking because Katrina knew that Arya wouldn't want to watch a movie alone with Yoongi.

Katrina moved her lips to say yes but she hesitated and remembered what Namjoon had said.

"Nah I'm good," Katrina said and she shot Arya a knowing smirk before closing the door and walking away.

Arya glared at Katrina as she left and she didn't need to turn around to know that Yoongi was smirking. She rolled her eyes and turned around to face the tv screen.

The movie wasn't scary at all for Arya to begin with, the start was fine. The middle was fine. She was actually beginning to enjoy the movie because there was mystery in it and being a fan of Sherlock she loved mysteries.

Arya glanced at Yoongi who was clearly enjoying every second of the movie. She focused her attention back on the screen so he wouldn't catch her staring.

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