Chapter 16 || Bad Messages

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Upon arriving home the boys and Arya walked into the living room to see Katrina and Jimin were curled up on the sofa sound asleep. Arya turned around and Jungkook had dissapeared, she heard a door slam and she guessed he was probably jealous.

"Come on Arya you know you're not allowed in here," Jin spoke quietly and he took her by the shoulders and led her out of the room.

"What- happened?" Katrina asked yawning, Jimin started to stir in his sleep.

"We got Yoongi back," Taehyung said, "I'm going to go and get changed." He added.

"Jimin wake up!" Katrina said shaking him awake.

"Yoongi is back," Katrina said and Jimin smiled.

"Katrina! I have a surprise for you," Namjoon said walking into the room holding a small box.

"It's a phone!" Namjoon said and he gave Katrina the gold iPhone.

"Thanks," Katrina said politely.

"It's the same as Arya's obviously it's been tampered with so you can't contact anybody." Namjoon smiled and then walked out.

Katrina turned on the phone and waited she sighed in relief when she seen she had no messages, she was terrified that the unknown person would hack her phone


Arya had told Jin that she was going to get changed, however upon her journey she noticed Namjoon walk into the training room.

It dawned on her that Namjoon was rarely with the boys, only at meal times or unless he wanted something. And he was always in the controls room. She wondered what he could be doing on the computer all of the time. That's when it struck her. What if Namjoon is the Unknown person? It made sense, who was to say that she could trust Namjoon. Maybe it was him sending the messages to scare her and make her betray the trust of the other boys. It made sense.

She took this opportunity as her chance and she scurried down the corridor quietly until she reached the controls room.

There was an electronic lock on the door with a key pad. It looked similar to the ones found in hospitals. Arya scanned the door, there had to be a way in. She looked at the hinges and she noticed that the door had not been properly closed. So she placed her hand on the cold metal handle and opened the door. To her fortune it opened and she grinned to herself.

If it was Namjoon then there had to be evidence in the room. She looked around the room and there was a huge computer with a giant system of different screens. In the corner of the room was a ginormous filing cabinet. There was an electrical keypad on top of the filing cabinet that had all the letters of the Korean alphabet and some numbers.

"Could it be?" Arya whispered to herself.

She knew the Korean alphabet because her parents would speak Korean in the house although she had no idea why.

Arya typed in the symbols and spelled out her own name, she then pressed enter. There was a gurgling noise and then one of the drawers opened and a single file was produced, sticking out of it.

"Holy shit how technology forward are these guys?" She gasped in amazement.

Quickly Arya took the file and opened it she read it carefully.

Name: Arya Fray

D.O.B: 20/03/99

Place of birth: Busan Korea

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