Chapter 18 || Brass Knuckle dusters

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Arya swung her left arm and she punched the punch bag with as much force as she could. She was surprised that she hadn't managed to break the punch bag.

She knew that if she didn't take out her anger on the punch bag, that she would take it out on one of the boys. And punching a punch bag had much less consequences. The training room was empty and Arya wondered if anybody actually used it at all.

But something caught her eye, it seemed to be glistening on the floor. Curiously Arya walked towards it as she got closer she realised that it was a single brass knuckle duster that one of the boys must have dropped.

She smirked as she suddenly got an idea, she was going to see Katrina at any cost.

Arya slipped off the boxing glove and then slipped on the brass knuckle duster. It felt cold against her knuckle and it was way too big for her small hand. Why the hell do they have such big hands? She rolled her eyes. But she decided that she would just have to make it work.

Arya slipped on the boxing glove back over her hand and pretended that she wasn't wearing a brass knuckle duster.

The door to the training room opened and Arya started to punch the punch bag as if she had been doing this for the whole time.

Arya stopped punching the bag and turned around, Namjoon was standing against the door.

"What do you want?" Arya asked annoyed.

"You're not allowed to go anywhere without one of us," Namjoon replied.

"I'm fine on my own." She rolled her eyes.

"Do you have to be so stubborn?!" Namjoon asked as he walked towards her.

"I'm tired," Arya said folding her arms, she still wore the boxing gloves.

"Then get some sleep then, its late," Namjoon sighed.

"It's not the kind of tired that sleep can fix." She replied.

"Maybe you should talk to Yoongi? He's feeling the same way," Namjoon offered.

"I don't need a therapist. I'm fine," Arya scoffed.

"Why are you giving him hope and then being cold to him? He hasn't left his room since he came back," Namjoon grumbled.

"I'm not," Arya said and he gave her the 'oh really' look.

"Really? Because last time I recalled you were the last one to have spoken to him before he went rogue," Namjoon's voice was stern.

"That wasn't my fault," Arya protested. " And he hasn't bothered to speak to me," She added.

"Whatever but I know that there is something going on between you... or there was. What happened?" Namjoon asked and for a second it sounded like he actually cared for her.

"None. Of. your. business!" Arya snapped.

"Arya I have had enough of your childish antics!" Namjoon retorted.

Arya rolled her eyes and took off the boxing gloves, she hid her right hand behind her back before he could see the brass knuckle duster.

"I'm sorry," Arya mumbled.

"For what?" Namjoon asked,

Arya stood on her tip toes and she swung her left arm to strive and punch him. But Namjoon saw it coming and grabbed her left wrist before her hand could come into contact with his face. He squeezed her wrist tight but Arya refused to show any sign of pain even though it was.

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