Chapter 28 || Blindess

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Hoseok sat in the hospital ward and he refused to let go of Taehyung's hand. Everything had seemed to have fallen apart and Hoseok had labelled this as his worst week ever.

He wanted Taehyung to wake up. Hell, Hoseok would sell his soul to the devil if it meant that Taehyung would wake up sooner.

"Taehyung~baby please wake up." Hoseok whispered. But as expected the younger boy was unresponsive.

"Hyung~ I'm going to get some coffee do you want anything?" Jimin asked.

"No. I'm fine." Hoseok snapped. Jimin sighed and he bowed his head slightly before walking out of the ward.

"He'll be alright Hoseok, if I can resuscitate Katrina by myself then I'm pretty sure Taehyung is in good hands with the doctors," Jin said patting Hoseok on the back.

Hoseok never replied to Jin he couldn't seem to find the words. Hoseok was tired of everyone saying that it would be alright because it was far from it, but he didn't have the strength to argue. So instead he sat watching Taehyung's chest move up and down. He had never been so thankful to see a person breathe.

"Hoseok you should really go home for an hour or so and sleep, you need to rest," Namjoon was concerned.

"I don't need rest, I'm fine!" Hoseok snarled at Namjoon angrily.

"Hoseok, we will watch Taehyung and if anything happens you'll be the first to know," Jin said supporting Namjoon.

"No, N.O spells No," Hoseok said and the two boys knew that Hoseok was not going to give up.

"Taehyung, if you can hear me. I love you. Y-you can get t-through this." Hoseok whispered.

Hoseok gasped at the sudden reaction, Taehyung grasped his hand and squeezed it. "D-did you see that?" Hoseok gasped.

"It could just be a reflex." Jin pointed out.

"T-Taehyung please wake up." Hoseok repeated.

The heart monitor started to pick up and Taehyung squeezed Hoseok's hand. Slowly the three boys watched as Taehyung's eye lids fluttered.

"H-Hoseok~Oppa," Taehyung called out frantically.

Taehyung's eyes were now fully opened but something was not quite right. It did not take a specialist to figure out that. Taehyung' eyes seemed a lot darker, almost black. And there seemed to be a trace of white going through them. Jin whispered something to Namjoon who looked nauseous.

"It's okay baby, I'm here you're in hospital. You're going to be okay, I love you." Hoseok grasped the younger boys hand.

"O~Oppa why can't I see you?" Taehyung said frantically as he managed to sit himself up despite the pain in his chest due to the wound.

"W-what do you mean?" Hoseok's voice was full of worry. Please, he thought. This couldn't be happening.

"H-Hoseok I, I can't see anything it's all dark." Taehyung whimpered. Hoseok felt his heart shatter at how lost and scared his boyfriend was.

"I-it's okay baby I'm here. I'm here." Hoseok said and his voice cracked like glass as he started to cry.

"I- WHY CAN'T I SEE ANYTHING? THIS HAS TO BE A JOKE. PLEASE!" Taehyung yelled freaking out. "PLEASE!" He begged.

Namjoon and Jin both ran off to get the doctors leaving Hoseok alone with Taehyung.

"I-it's alright baby boy I'm here." Hoseok said choking on his tears as he squeezed Taehyung's soft hand.

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