Chapter 34 || Trust?

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"Can I ask you a serious question?" Jungkook asked once they were out of the earshot of the others. Katrina nodded slowly.

"Do you trust Namjoon?" Jungkook asked.

"Well I trust him more than you because he got us out of the mess you created," Katrina replied with a hint of anger to her tone. How dare he ask her about trust? Considering his actions he was in no such placement to do so.

"Well if I were you Katrina, I would re-think about that one and if I were you I would go to the bathroom and retrieve the tracker chip from your shoulder before it syncs into your veins," Jungkook said and his expression turned from serious to a smirk as he seen the level of shock on the girls face.

Katrina shoved past the older boy and she rushed into the bathroom. Locking the door she took her shirt off and she looked to her shoulder to see a red swollen mark and she could see a hint of metal underneath. Katrina touched the mark and she hissed in pain. She got a small flashback.

"Katrina I need to move four," Namjoon said and he leaned over Katrina's shoulder to get to the board game, she didn't take much notice to it.

Katrina knew that Namjoon must have put he tracker in her shoulder at that point, but the odd thing was she never felt anything.

Katrina quickly put on her shirt and she ran out of the bathroom. "Jungkook what the hell and how?" She asked shaking his arm.

"I'm a hacker I am observant," he said as he let go of her arm.

"No. I am asking why there is a fucking tracker in my shoulder you pabo?!" Katrina hissed.

"I don't know at the moment, but once I get the tracker out of your shoulder you can keep a look out whilst I hack into Namjoon's computer." Jungkook moved his hair into place.

"Well what are you waiting for?" Katrina asked and she grabbed onto his arm.


"Taehyung and Hoseok, you two have a mission," Namjoon instructed.

"What?" Both of the boys were confused.

"Trust me, it is absolutely necessary that Taehyung goes on this, if it wasn't then he wouldn't be going in his condition," the boy replied sharply.

"Okay we will go and get ready Hyung," Taehyung said and he grabbed onto Hoseok's arm. Hoseok looked wearily but after a glare from Namjoon he helped his boyfriend up and they headed into the weaponry room.

"Arya and Yoongi, I have a strict mission for you two," Namjoon said looking at the two.

"What? I technically am not part of BTS," Arya sighed.

"Well you joined us the moment you agreed to date Yoongi. Go and get a bullet proof vest and do as your told I am your leader!" The purple hair boy ordered.

"But my brothers have just gotten back!" She protested and Namjoon stared her down. "Fine I'll go, whatever floats your boat."

Namjoon shook his head and then his attention went to Jin. "Due to Arya being away I think it is only fair that you and I take Bran and Toby to a soft play area," he said and Jin looked excited.


"S-soft play!" Toby cheered happily and even Brandon managed to smile.

"Okay it's sorted then," Namjoon grinned and the oldest boy raised his eyebrow.

"What about Jungkook?" Jin asked, surely Namjoon wouldn't just leave the boy without supervision.

"The house will be on lock down so he won't be able to leave," Namjoon said like it was very obvious.

"And Katrina?" Jin met Namjoon's eyes.

Namjoon put his finger up to tell the boy to wait a minute. He turned around as Katrina entered the room. "Katrina!" He turned around.

Angry with him, Katrina tried to act like everything was okay. "What?" She asked.

"I need you to go on a mission with Yoongi and Arya," he said.

"Fine, whatever." Katrina turned on her heel and walked out of the room.

Katrina had zero intentions of going on a mission and Kim Namjoon was not going to boss her around. Katrina walked into the weaponry room and tugged on the arm of Arya. "If Namjoon asks, you tell him I went on the mission with you two. Okay?" Katrina said and Arya nodded.

"I need you to take this with you, or else he will catch on," Katrina said and she handed Arya a small metal chip that had blood stains on it.

"Is that a tracker?" Arya's eyes widened.

"Arya please if you trust me, do this for me. I know what I'm doing," Katrina uttered.

Arya sighed, "Whatever trouble you have gotten into, you know I'll always be on your side," the smaller girl slipped the chip in her pocket and hugged Katrina. "You know I love you you're pretty much my big sister," Arya mumbled.

"I love you too," Katrina giggled before pulling away. "I have to go, good luck with your mission!"

Katrina ran out of the room and sped along the hallway. Jungkook had suggested that they took the tracker out before they did research to minimise the pain and also to get rid of it. Luckily Jungkook had managed to get the tracker out of her shoulder and put a butterfly stitch to hold the wound together.

Katrina ran down the corridor and into the controls room. She smiled at the boy who was already standing outside of the door.

Meanwhile Arya and Yoongi drove out of the drive way and were on there way to the mission they were given. Arya had yet to tell Yoongi about Katrina and the tracker because she hadn't found the right time to do so and Yoongi's hand on her thigh was rather distracting.

Hoseok and Taehyung were long gone and they were almost at the abandoned warehouse, the two boys were having a small conversation.

As Jin strapped Toby into the range-rover Namjoon walked up to him and waved. Brandon had called shot gun and was sitting in the passengers seat with a smile plastered over his face. "Hyung you're going to have to take the boys alone, something has came up."

Jin rolled his eyes, "Has this got something to do with the mission you gave Jimin before he left to go and see Johnny because he told me about that y'know?" Jin quizzed and Namjoon froze.

"He did?" The purple haired boy asked.

"Yeah he did. What exactly are you doing?" Jin said in a whisper so the kids wouldn't hear. "Jimin told me you had him pack up many things around the base and load them into two vans. And I checked the garage and those two vans are long gone." The older boy explained.

"Jin do you trust me?" The boy asked raising his eyebrow.

"Of course I trust you Namjoonie," Jin replied without hesitation.

"Good, now if you trust me take those kids to the soft play and stop wasting my time by asking me questions." The boy turned on his heel and walked away from the car.

Shaking his head in frustration Jin climbed into the car and started the engine. Jin drove out of the gates whilst Brandon messed about with the radio channels.

Namjoon watched as the car drove off and he climbed into his black Ferrari. He drove away from the headquarters. Whilst he drove he checked the tracker he placed on Katrina and she was marked moving in a car. He was surprised the girl had obeyed him.

Namjoon cranked up the speed and he smirked to himself. It wouldn't be long until everything fit into place.

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