Chapter 19|| Confessions and Arguments

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Jungkook slammed his door closed, he wanted to scream but he couldn't, in fear that the other members would hear.

He was scared out of his mind and his heart was racing. His palms were sweating and he felt like he was going to be sick. Katrina was going to be okay. So why was he so scared?

He would trade his soul (if he had one) to have her in his arms. Was that wrong? He didn't know. He wondered how biology could explain that physical feeling in your chest when you missed somebody. Did he miss her?

Katrina was annoying, and her jokes were terrible. Her blond curly hair would be so puffy and get on his nerves. But she was cute annoying and her jokes did make him laugh on the inside although he would never admit it. And when her puffy hair got in her face all he wanted to do was remove it. Was this the feeling of love? The only kind of love Jungkook had experienced was family love when he was ten. But that soon ended after the death of his sister. He asked himself. Was this how it felt to be in proper love with a person? If this is what it felt like then it was scary.

Jungkook never went to his Hyung's for anything. But this time he didn't know what to do. Jungkook walked out of his room quietly. He had heard Arya and Namjoon yelling earlier but he had ignored it.

Jungkook knew there was only one person that was going through something similar to himself.

He found himself standing outside of Yoongi's room. He hoped that Yoongi wasn't in a bad mood. Taking a deep breath Jungkook knocked on the door softly before entering.

"What do you want?" Yoongi snapped.

The main light was off and there was a small lamp on offering a little dim source of light. The curtains were closed and through the dim lights Jungkook could tell that Yoongi had been crying and he instantly felt bad for him.

"Help," Jungkook said and he walked over to Yoongi and sat down on the bed.

"Jungkook I don't care about who you have hacked, go and do something useful." Yoongi rolled his eyes. He wiped his eyes to try and cover up the fact that he had been crying, but it only made his eyes look more puffy.

"Yoongi I'm serious I... I need help," Jungkook whispered.

"What is it Jungkook?" Yoongi sighed.

"It's about Katrina I'm just really scared for her and I can't stop thinking about her and I don't know what to do," Jungkook spoke quickly and quietly.

"Let me guess~" Yoongi said turning to face the younger boy. Yoongi noticed that Jungkook had dark circles under his eyes, they looked as bad as each other.

"You're scared to death right now, even though you know she's going to be okay. But still, you're worrying that you won't see her again. You would trade your life just so she could be okay. You would do anything in your power to make her happy. To make her safe," Yoongi continued.

"How-how did you know that I feel like this?" Jungkook whispered in half surprise because Yoongi had explained everything he had been feeling.

"Just an educated guess," Yoongi lied.

"This is about Arya isn't it?" Jungkook asked.

"Yes. No. Maybe." Yoongi groaned. "I don't know."

"Do you... Do you love her?" Jungkook asked.

"I love her but I can't be with her Jungkook. I can't be with her and protect her at the same time, if I date her then I'm putting her at such a high risk of danger from rivals. I love her so much and I need to protect her from all danger. You of all people should understand that. She's in enough danger as it is without people coming after her because of the things that I have done. Regardless, my feelings are clearly are not mutual," Yoongi explained.

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