Chapter 48 || Plane

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"Who is she?" Jungkook pointed to Katrina.

Those three short simple words made Katrina's heart feel like it had been smashed into millions of pieces. "You mean you don't remember me?" Her voice was hoarse like she had swallowed glass.

"Was I supposed to?" He asked confused.

"It doesn't matter." her voice was shaky.

"Who are you?" He asked Katrina. The whole car was silent, watching them.

"Katrina," she mumbled.

"I'm sorry for not remembering who you are, I hurt my head badly when the building collapsed and I've been diagnosed with amnesia." The boy frowned in frustration.

"Honestly it's fine it doesn't matter Jungkook." This time the blonde haired girls voice was strong and almost intimidating.

"I can't listen to this, how long until we get to the plane?" Arya asked, her stomach was throbbing so much that she was surprised she wasn't screaming or fainting.

"Almost there," Jin muttered from the front.

"What do you mean by: I can't listen to this?" Katrina asked. Tension filled the air once again as the car went silent. Arya shrugged, "Answer me Arya," Katrina demanded. It was almost as if the girl had a complete personality change.

"I can't watch you go through this again," Arya said clearly, the tension was growing further. The purple haired girl folded her arms across her chest. She could feel everyone in the car staring at her, Jimin at her side was trying to make It not so obvious but he was staring. Even Namjoon was staring at them from the wing mirror.

"Go through what?" Katrina questioned pushing the tension further.

Arya glared at her, "I can't fucking stand by and watch you pretend like you're not hurting. The last time this happened you became cold and you hardly talked to anybody because of what he did! And now that he doesn't remember you're not going to tell him you are just going to let yourself suffer! I'm not fucking watching you get hurt again!" She ranted.

"What did I do?" Jungkook asked putting his hands up.

"Stay out of this!" Katrina yelled at him causing him to lightly wince. "It's my decision Arya, nobody else's. You haven't a clue what I've been feeling so don't you dare and say that I've been acting cold, I won't stand by this again I won't fucking hope for something that clearly won't happen and clearly wasn't meant to be!"

Nobody spoke, everyone knew Katrina was referring to her previous relationship with Jungkook. Things were that bad that Jin never even called the girls out on there foul language. "Whatever, but when this fucking falls apart don't come running to me and don't say I never tried to warn you." The purple haired girl spat.

Katrina rolled her eyes and the rest of the car was in a complete awkward silence. "Can somebody tell me what I've done?" Jungkook asked.

Nobody answered the dark haired boy, instead Jin spoke. "We are here."

Jin had driven the car to an abandoned field. A private airplane was waiting, Jin presses a button on a small usb like stick and the hatch from the plane slowly started to go down. Once it had fully went down Jin drove up and onto the ramp. He drove and parked the car inside the plane.

Everyone got out of the car, Taehyung and Jimin helped Jungkook onto his wheelchair. When Arya stepped out of the car she winced at the excruciating pain in her stomach. Her legs gave out and she stumbled right into Yoongi's chest, the mint haired boy caught his girlfriend. "I'm so clumsy," she muttered. An easy lie. But Yoongi seen her pain, it was obvious to him that she was shadowing a pain and he was determined to know what was causing it.

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