Chapter 7 || Escape Attempt #1

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When Namjoon announced that Yoongi had a girlfriend and that she was there. Arya snapped back to reality like a wake up call.

She had to get out of there.

Angrily she pushed past Yoongi and made her way to the door of the living room. Namjoon stood in her way.

"And where do you think you're going?" Namjoon asked in a demanding voice.

"Obviously away from here." Arya rolled her eyes.

Most normal people would be terrified of a powerful gang leader that was around ten inches taller than them. But Arya was not normal. She didn't care.

She pushed past him and he growled in annoyance but she didn't care.

Arya walked down the corridor and found herself wandering to the kitchen where Katrina was attempting (badly) to cut an onion with the help of Jin who looked like he had lost his patience.

"Katrina. Outside. Now. We need to talk." Arya spoke loudly.

Arya could have swore she heard Jin mumble 'thank god.'

Shrugging, Katrina sat the kitchen knife down on the chopping board and walked over to Arya. Katrina was wearing a blue apron over her clothes and was oddly cheery for being kidnapped.

Katrina stepped outside and Arya dragged her up the corridor. She checked nobody was around before she began to speak.

"I have a plan to get us out of here." Arya whispered.

"I'm listening," Katrina replied.

"Okay, so during dinner everyone will be in the same room. Even Jungkook so we don't need to worry about getting caught." Arya whispered.

"So I'll excuse myself to the toilet five minutes or so into the meal. After I do that you need to pretend that you're going to be sick and run to the toilet. So we meet in the hall and we find the door. Which will probably be alarmed but I know how to disable it for two minutes. And after that we have around four or five minutes before they add two and two together and come after us," Arya explained.

"Okay that sounds good." Katrina nodded.

"Told you I'm a genius." Arya laughed.

"Anyways, come in the kitchen and help me cook before Jin kills me for chopping an onion incorrectly." Katrina giggled.

Arya followed Katrina into the kitchen and Jin threw an apron at her.

"My hands," Arya said staring at her hands that were still bandaged due to her split knuckles.

Jin sighed and signalled to Hoseok who walked over to Arya. Slowly Hoseok unraveled the bandages on Arya's hands.

When he was finished he binned the bandages, Arya looked at her knuckles. They had stopped bleeding but they were bruised quite badly and hurt a little bit.

She went over to the sink and washed her hands, the cool water stung her cuts on her knuckles but she ignored it and began to help Katrina cut up onions.


When dinner came the seven boys sat around the table, Katrina sat next to Arya. Luckily Yoongi's 'girlfriend' had appeared to have left and Arya didn't feel as annoyed.

Around five minutes into the meal Arya cleared her throat.

"May I be excused to go to the bathroom?" She asked looking at Namjoon. She hated being polite to a person like him but it was her only shot.

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