Chapter 17 || The third time

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"I was interested in them because I heard um ...I overheard Jin talking to Hoseok," Arya lied.

"Do you really expect me to believe that one?" Namjoon laughed at her.

"If you tell me everything and I mean everything no lies, then I will tell you why," Arya smirked. She knew he wouldn't do it.

There was a long silence, Namjoon wasn't willing to tell her anything so she was not willing to tell him anything.

"I'm doing this for your own safety," Namjoon broke the silence.

"You don't give a shit about my safety you only want your precious vault opened and we both know that." Arya glared.

"I do care," Namjoon said frustratedly.

"If you did then you'd let me leave this place." Arya counter argued.

"But it's much safer for you here!" Namjoon snapped.

"Safe?" Arya laughed. "If it was safe here then maybe Yoongi wouldn't have went rogue!" She took a breath. "If it was safe here then maybe Jungkook wouldn't be going practically insane." She continued. "If it was safe here Jin would be smiling. If it was safe then Andrew would be alive." Arya ranted. "If it was safe here then Taehyung would have confessed to Hoseok months ago but he was just too scared to see how you would react!" Arya yelled.

"That's TOO FAR!" Namjoon yelled.

"NAMJOON!" A voice shouted out, it was a clear cry for help.

Arya looked at Namjoon and he ran to the door as fast as he could, she followed him down the corridor.

"What happened?" Arya demanded.

The boys were all clustered in the hallway.

"Where is Katrina?" Arya asked worriedly.

Arya noticed how Jungkook was extremely pale and he looked like he was in shock.

The boys all hushed whispered in a circle and nobody told Arya a thing.


"She-she was shot," Jungkook stuttered and then he ran away down the hall.

"SHOT! WHERE? IS SHE GOING TO BE ALRIGHT? OH MY GOD!" Arya yelled. She couldn't believe it. Katrina was hurt. Katrina could die.

"Everything is under control, it wasn't a vital injury and Jin is treating her in the infirmary he is highly trained in medicine." Namjoon explained.

The boys all seemed to scatter off in the one direction to wherever this 'infirmary' place was.

"My best friend could be bleeding to death! And you're saying it's ALL UNDER CONTROL!" Arya screamed.

"LET ME PAST LET ME SEE HER!" Arya yelled.

"Nope, you're still not allowed to see or talk to her for your actions," Namjoon said blocking her path.


She ran up to him and tried to shove him with all of her strength but he was so much stronger and he didn't even move slightly he only laughed at her. Arya tried to jump and push past him but he still wouldn't move.

"I'd like to see you try munchkin," He laughed.

"I'm not a freaking munchkin you're too tall!" Arya yelled and she tried to bash his shoulder with her own and get past but she still couldn't manage to succeed.

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