Chapter 26 || Traitor

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"I can see why Jungkook likes you, you're adorable," Chanyeol cooed.

"Oh my bad I must not have kicked you hard enough because you're still acting like a little bitch." Katrina rolled her eyes at him. Having a sarcastic friend meant that you pick up a lot of things.

Chanyeol raised his hand and when it came into contact with Katrina's face she winced. But then again she knew herself that she had took things to far so she seen it coming.

"Enough talking, Sehun and Chen will take you to your cell," Chanyeol ordered.

"A cell how fancy." Katrina glared at him.

Sehun and Chen forced her to walk down a corridor which was barely lit. Katrina tried to elbow Chen in the ribs but he moved before she could attempt that. She also tried to kick Sehun but he moved and she failed too.

"You know Jungkook is going to kill both of you," Katrina laughed. Despite being powerless in that moment she felt adrenaline.

"That's if he can find us," Chen laughed and Sehun nodded silently in agreement.

Katrina sighed bitterly and before she could process what was happening a door was opened and she was thrown into a room. The door was slammed closed and clearly locked dozens of times.

It was pitch black in the room and Katrina didn't think there were any windows. Just great she thought to herself.  Yes, why don't we throw the claustrophobic girl into a dark cell with no windows. Katrina rolled her eyes.


Once Baekhyun had cleaned Arya's wounds he tied her wrists up with a rope again.

"Is this really necessary?" She asked.

"Remember part of our deal was a proper kiss." Baekhyun sang.

"Hell. No," she said boldly.

Baekhyun sniggered at her and he leaned in. Arya moved her face to the side and he ended up kissing her cheek.

"Seriously?" He pouted.

"It was a proper kiss," Arya laughed mockingly.

Baekhyun checked his watch and shook his head. "I don't have time for this. And I will get what I want eventually."

"Not so long as I'm around, you won't," Arya grinned. The Male grumbled and dragged her by the wrists, angrily.

"I hope you learned a valuable lesson." He smirked at her.

"Nope." She said popping the p.

The next thing Arya knew she was thrown into a room and the door was slammed closed. The door was locked dozens of times and she groaned loudly. "The fuck?"

"Arya is that you?" A familiar voice asked.

"Katrina!" Arya exclaimed

Through the darkness the two girls managed to find their way to each other and hug.

"I traced all of the walls with my hand and there is no windows," Katrina explained.

"Okay well we do still have two knifes each because those dumbasses didn't think to check," Arya pointed out.

"Jungkook gave me a special dagger that has a small torch taped to it," Katrina mumbled quietly.

After some fumbling around Katrina managed to break free the dagger that was attached to her leg. She found the button and pressed it with a click. The small torch gave off a bright burning light and Katrina and Arya could now see each other.

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