Chapter 12 || Shopping

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At breakfast the table was unusually silent, everytime Arya looked up Yoongi would catch her and she'd look back down again akwardly because she didn't quite understand her feelings or intentions.

Perhaps If Arya wasn't so focused on the unknown number she would have noticed that Katrina wouldn't take her eyes off of Jungkook.

"I see your ankle is better because you took off the bandages?" Jin asked in a feeble attempt at making small talk.

"Yeah it's fine now," Arya mumbled.

Jimin never made it to the breakfast table he was still asleep and Jin was not too pleased about that but he let it slip.

Arya could feel her phone vibrate so she brought it out and sure enough there was a message.

Do not speak to Yoongi for the whole day leave him hanging, and make him feel rejected xox

Arya skimmed the message and she felt like she was going to be sick.

"So Arya, do you want to go shopping for clothes?" Yoongi asked.

"I don't really care," Arya said coldly and Yoongi looked hurt for a split second but concealed it.

Katrina shot Arya a confused look and Namjoon shot Katrina a look of warning.

"What's up with you?" Taehyung asked Arya.

"Nothing," Arya rolled her eyes.

"Arya, for gods sake we know there is something now tell us," Katrina huffed.

"Exactly you have barely touched your food," Jin added.

"It's nothing alright! Just drop it." Arya groaned.

"I could take them both shopping," Jungkook offered.

"Jungkook we all know that you'll take them away to escape." Namjoon scoffed.

"Does it ever cross anybodies mind that Jungkook probably acts up because you all treat him like an outsider and like a piece of dirt?" Katrina spoke up.

"Woah why are you suddenly defending Jungkook?" Namjoon asked.

"None of your business." Katrina retorted making the tension increase even more.

"Katrina I downloaded a new game do you want a shot?" Arya asked and she passed Katrina her phone.

Katrina scanned the messages and tried not to show the shock on her face. Just as she was about to hand Arya the phone back a new message popped up.

Tonight you will convince Arya to escape with you, and when you get caught you will refuse to speak to Jungkook xox

Katrina's eyes widened at the message and her heart was beating fast. Jungkook tried to lean over to see what 'game' she was playing but Katrina quickly passed Arya the phone back. Arya read the message and bit her lip. This person was trying to sabotage both of their relationships with the boys, Arya didn't understand why. But she knew the girls couldn't refuse because of Brandon and Toby.

"Can I be excused? I'm not very hungry," Arya asked.

"Fine." Namjoon said and Arya stood up and pushed her chair back into the table before stalking out of the room.

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