Chapter 35 | I fall To Pieces

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"Yoongi, Arya, Taehyung, Hoseok and Jimin are all out so I only have to look out for Jin and Namjoon," Katrina said as she stood at the door of the controls room. Little did she know that they were the only ones left.

"Okay just give me a minute," the dark haired boy mumbled as he concentrated on the various computer screens and started typing in codes which looked like gibberish into the keyboard.

After various minutes of silence, the only noise Jungkook's tapping on the keyboard. He finally sighed in relief, "I'm in."

Jungkook brought up series of browsers and started searching through them. He discarded the ones of unimportance like spam emails or emails of zero relevance. "Have you found anything?" Katrina asked, she got bored of keeping watch and she stepped into the room.

Jungkook shook his head and she watched as he clicked and exited browsers at immense speed, she couldn't even read what any of the things were. "AHA!" Jungkook said loudly and he enlarged an email that came up.

Katrina walked closer to the screen and both of them read the words of a conversation between Namjoon and Jimin that they had stumbled across.

Namjoon | I want you to pack up the usual for us moving.

Jimin | Moving? What why ? Where are we moving to?

Namjoon | that is irrelevant at the moment just do as you're told and don't tell anybody.

Jimin | Okay.

"What does that even mean?" Katrina asked.

"When we move headquarters we have a list of things we pack and a list of things we leave behind," the boy explained.

"Maybe it is an old email?" Katrina suggested.

"Trust me this was sent two days or so ago," Jungkook replied. "I'll keep digging for more information."

Katrina nodded and she watched as the boy saved the browser and started opening up many more.

Katrina sat with her back against the door, boredom struck her after half an hour and Jungkook still had not found anything. Katrina decided to check up on the boy to make sure he was on task.

"There seems to be missing files and documents," Jungkook shook his head in frustration.

"But you're a hacker, getting deleted things is what you do," Katrina pointed out.

"Yes so when myself as one of the best hackers can't retrieve deleted information that means that whoever deleted it never wanted anyone to know what it was!" The boy yelled in frustration.

"I'll be... outside," Katrina said and she left him to it.

She closed the door and sat with her back against it, Katrina's eyes became heavy and she felt herself almost falling asleep.

Just a few seconds from a deep sleep the blue eyed girl was snapped away by the sound of... music? She thought at first it was her imagination but when Katrina rubbed her eyes and woke up completely the music was still playing. "What the?" She said under her breath.

Being a music nerd in high school it only took Katrina a few seconds to identify the song as I Fall to Pieces By Patsy Cline.

Katrina walked down the corridor and there were speakers at the left corner of each corridor that she had never even noticed before.

The music was loud and seemed to be playing throughout the whole base. She turned on her heel and was on her mid-run to Jungkook when she heard a loud scream from inside the control room. "BASTARD!"

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