Chapter 43 || Running

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"I'll do a deal with you," she avoided his gaze. "If I get a three minute head start to run, you can come and catch me. If you succeed I'll obey to whatever shit you and GD say, and if you don't succeed then I win and I'll escape."

Namjoon sniggered, "You're telling me you're still adamant that you can escape after what? Being caught by every gang you've ever been taken by?"

She folded her arms and stared him in the eyes, "is little Namjoonie scared that I'll win?" She said in a baby voice, taunting him.

He stood up from the sofa towering over her, "I'm not scared that you will win, I'm anxious that G-Dragon will find out."

She laughed at him sharply, "He is in a meeting like he said, so you tell him that you dozed off and I ran."

He looked thoughtful for a minute. "Okay, deal." He smirked. "But only because I know that you'll have to do anything I say."

She shook his large hand and then stood up.  Arya had been training, ever since EXO had taken her she had been training with Yoongi. She wasn't exactly fearless but whilst she had been training they had figured out that she was quite good at parkour.

Arya knew if she ran downstairs there would've a dozen guards or people around. So she was going to escape from upstairs. "Your time starts now!" He said as he looked at his watch.

Arya sprinted towards the door and threw it open with force. She scanned her surroundings. Empty corridors.

Instinctively her gut was telling her to go right so she did. She swung into the first room she seen and she had to stop herself from smiling like she had won a prize. She had stumbled upon a weapons room, unguarded but she guessed there would be cameras. Quickly she grabbed a pistol and put it in her back pocket. She grabbed two Katanas and she clipped them onto her back. She grabbed a leather jacket and put it over, so that the Katanas were only peaking out from the top. She grabbed a couple of machetes and shoved them inside loopholes of a weapons belt she also stole.

She grabbed two hand guns and as many ammunition packs she could stuff in her pockets.

She spotted three cameras on the ceiling flashing red and she smirked at them. "Lights out bitches." She shot all three cameras without missing. Each smashed perfectly.

She grabbed the door and ran out. She could hear Namjoon slam the door up the corridor. This was it.

Arya sprinted down the corridor, she was surprised to see Namjoon close on her tail. She didn't want to hurt him, but she furrowed her eyebrows harshly. He killed Jungkook. He hurt Katrina.

She ran at a speed she never knew she was capable of.

Choosing a random door to a large room with an empty table she ran inside. She could hear her heavy breathing and she seen a window, kind of like the ones you got in a hospital in wards because there was another room at the other end. She grabbed a chair and ran towards the window, she threw the chair against the glass which shattered into pieces.

She leaped over the window without cutting herself and she opened the door at the other end running through. She was met face to face by a surprised looking man dressed in black. He grabbed his gun but she shot it out of his hand with her gun. Arya pointed the gun at the guy who held his hands up and whimpered. She pointed the gun until she could hear Namjoon at the other side.

Arya ran down the alien corridor, she came to a dead end and turned around to see two men shooting at her. An alarm rang throughout the whole house. She cursed to herself, G-Dragon knew.

She grabbed her gun and shot both of the men, one on the leg and one on the arm. She didn't want to kill anybody she wasn't a monster, she just wanted to hurt them like they had hurt her.

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