Chapter 40 || Stronger than this

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After around twenty to thirty minutes of driving Arya pulled up to a large building. It was very hidden and out of the way, almost like a secret forest road up to it. It reminded her horribly of the old base.

She took the keys out of the engine and got out of the car. From the outside the building looked like an abandoned warehouse or even an old hospital. But the trees that surrounded the building would make you think that it was an odd location for a large building. "Stupid gangs and their stupid forest surrounded bases," she mumbled to herself as she walked up the gravel path, approaching the brick building.

She walked in through the double doors and was greeted by the sight of what looked like a normal hospital reception. Although there was not a single person in sight. "Hello?" She called out and it seemed to echo.

She took another step and a door swung open revealing a girl. "Arya?" Sana asked surprised.

"Is Katrina okay?"

"Right this way." Sana began to lead Arya down a short corridor.

There were multiple patients in different wards they walked past. They finally got to the end of the corridor and Katrina was in the last room. Arya ran into the room and she skidded and stopped at the bottom of Katrina's bed. "Hey," Katrina greeted her.

Arya grimaced at the state her best friend was in. Katrina had a cast on her left arm, a cushion propping up her right ankle. Katrina was connected to an iv drip because she had low sugars and she was also connected to a heart monitor. Her face was still covered in soot and she was extremely pale. "I look that bad?" Katrina laughed.

"No, no. I - I just -"

"Expected to see me fit for running away with you?" Katrina asked.

Arya gaped at her friend, how on earth had Katrina known what she was going to say. "Well I have three broken ribs a fractured right ankle, a sprained left ankle, a broken left arm, tissue damage to my right wrist, low blood pressure and a bruised lung."

Arya's eyes widened, "oh my god!"

Katrina laughed, "anyways my answer would be no, because running away from all of this wouldn't make it go away."

Arya looked at the girl raising an eyebrow, "Aren't you in pain?"

Katrina bit her lip, "Well I'm currently high on morphine so I don't really know." She then frowned and her eyes grew darker, and sadder.

"I- we couldn't- find him," Arya mumbled.

Katrina nodded. "Presumed dead. I know," she whispered, her eyes filling up with tears once again.

"I mean but we never found a body he could still be -"

"He isn't."

"He could Katrina, don't give up."

"Arya for fuck sake he is dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. There was no body recovered, so fuck? That means his death was so painful that his body was blown to pieces! Don't give me your don't give up life gets better bullshit! Because you're wrong, We all know it doesn't. It just gets worse. It always gets fucking worse. So excuse me for fucking giving up!"

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