Chapter 30 || Chocolate Wings

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Trigger warnings are in this chapter you can skip if you feel like it will trigger you.


Yoongi stumbled through the open door giggling loudly and Arya fell in after him. "Shhh be quiet!" She said in a failed attempt at a whisper.

They stumbled into the living room and Hoseok raised an eyebrow at them. He then looked at the messy hair and blushes on there faces. "Oh my god! You two... you two!" Hoseok yelled in half disgust and half awe.

"W-we did not!" Arya stuttered horrified.

"Really?" Hoseok shook his head biting down a smile.

"Of course we did what else do you think we were doing?" Yoongi laughed at the boy who's eyes widened in shock.

"D-don't tell Jin!" Hoseok yelled.

"Don't tell me what?" Jin asked as he walked into the room.

"Nothing!" The three of them said at the exact same time.

Jin looked suspicious but he shook it off and crashed onto the sofa. "Where's Katrina?" Arya asked looking around.

"Oh so you're going to tell her the details?" Hoseok mumbled.

"Details of what?" Jin asked his voice an octave higher.

"She's upstairs with Namjoon and I think they're actually getting along," Hoseok said ignoring Jin's question.

"Guys what are you hiding?" Jin demanded and three pairs of eyes suddenly took great interest on the carpet.

"Oh my god! Yoongi and Arya! YOU TWO!" Jin screeched. "I CANNOT BELIVE YOU TWO DID THAT OH MY GOD YOU STUPID CHILDREN WHY WHY WHY!!!!!" The boy ranted mortified.

"Woah it was that obvious?" Arya asked sheepishly, Hoseok nodded.

"You at least used protection didn't you?" Jin asked shaking his head, he looked like he was about to murder somebody.

"That's my cue to leave!" Arya yelled and she ran out of the room.

"MIN YOONGI I AM GOING TO MURDER YOU!" She heard Jin yell and then she heard the sound of Jin launching himself at the younger boy.

Arya laughed and she shook her head as she walked down the corridor. It hurt to walk but she wanted to see if her friend was okay because Yoongi had told her everything Jungkook had done.

Arya opened the door to Katrina's room and she was hit instantly with the stench of alcohol and smoke. "K-Katrina?" She called out coughing on the smoke.

"Whaaat?" Katrina slurred as she took another swig of a bottle that looked a lot like vodka. "You're not even legally allowed to drink that," the smaller girl pointed out.

"So? Namjoonie let me have it," Katrina slurred and Namjoon laughed.

"Katrina what the hell?" Arya asked loudly.

"Do you want one?" Namjoon asked holding a cigarette. She shook her head and he rolled his eyes before giving the cigarette to Katrina.

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