Chapter 50 || End

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Arya woke up to a big arm wrapped around her waist. Confused, she tried to get up. The person mumbled before tightening their grip on her. She was almost one hundred percent certain that she had went to sleep alone.

Arya turned to face the mint haired boy, who had half opened one eye. "When did you get here?" She was startled.

Yoongi flashed his soft gummy smile. "I felt really guilty for being mad and I missed you and also my bed was really cold so I snuck in here."

"Aren't you pissed off with me?" She asked.

He moved closer to her, "Never for long." He kissed her on the lips.

Before things could get too passionate the door was flung open to reveal Taehyung. "We are dropping Katrina off at the airport soon." He paused to see the two wrapped in each other's embrace. "Better move before Jin sees."

Taehyung disappeared out of the room and Arya sat up in bed. "I need to apologise to Katrina."

Yoongi nodded. Arya stood up from the bed and walked to the end of the room. She had fallen asleep in her clothes anyways so she started rummaging around for a hoodie. "Here-" Yoongi through her a black hoodie of his own. "You always look hot in my clothes." He winked.

Arya smiled at him before putting on the black hoodie which smelled identical to his cologne. She stepped out into the hallway and Yoongi's hand found her own.

The couple walked into the living room and joined their friends in playing one last game of monopoly before Katrina's departure.

Namjoon and Jin were cuddled up close.
Hoseok was attempting to roll the dice.

Taehyung sat on Hoseok's lap and he was excited to be able to see the game this time.

Jimin and Johnny were cuddled up talking about ways to win the game.

Arya and Yoongi had now sat on the sofa and they were so close they were practically on top of each other.

Katrina sat at the side and Jungkook was sitting in his wheelchair.

They were all like a big happy family; And it was Katrina's last night.

After the game of monopoly had ended (Johnny and Jimin won), Everyone made their way to the car.

The night's air was crisp and cold, and the sky was very clear. The stars were glistening and in the shadows of the sky you could see the crescent moon.

Small bits of fog was evident from the teenagers breathing in the cold air as they one by one climbed into the big car. Silence was spilled and the once happy atmosphere which was evident moments ago had slowly faded into the night.

Jin drove to the airport and there was a sad silence. A silence shared between them because nobody wanted the brown haired girl to leave.

Once they all got inside of the building Arya jumped into a hug. Katrina smiled at her friend as they hugged one last time. "I'm so sorry for being a bitch."

"It's okay I understand." Katrina hugged the girl back.

"Are you sure you want to go?" Arya asked.

Katrina nodded, "there is nothing for me here anymore-" she avoided looking at the Male in the wheelchair. "And besides, my parents really miss me."

Arya nodded and hugged her friend one last time. "Katrina if you ever want to come back you know that you'll always have a home here right?" Jin mumbled as he ruffled Katrina's newly dyed brown hair.

She nodded and smiled at them. Katrina went around and hugged all of the boys. "I'll miss you." Jimin said.

"I haven't known you long but I'll miss you too," Johnny said.

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