Chapter 47 || Game face

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Katrina had woken up with the sun shining through the curtains of the room in the motel. She flinched at the sudden light and she could feel an empty bed beside her. She guessed Jimin was in the bathroom.

Lazily she yawned, "Jimin?" She called. There was no answer. She huffed.

Katrina slowly pushed herself from the bed, her crutches were against the table next to her. She noticed a yellow note had been stuck on one of them. Katrina reached over and picked up the note.

We have gone to get Jungkook, and before you get angry you are in no state to fight Katrina so you need to stay here and rest. We will come and get you on the way back. - BTS and Arya. Arya you're technically part of BTS now... Shut up.

Katina laughed at the little argument at the side. She sat the note on the bed side table. She was surprised they expected her to stay put because they all knew that she wouldn't.

Katrina spotted Jimin's laptop, sitting on a chair. She stretched as far as she possibly could without getting up from the bed and she snatched the laptop. Opening the laptop, Katrina was brought into the web. Jungkook had taught her how to track, it was easy if you knew what you were tracking.

In under ten minutes Katrina had eyes on the location of the car. She grabbed a pen from the bedside table and scribbled down the address on the back of the sticky note.

Katrina picked up her crutches, she hobbled out of the room and closed the door. She took a breathe of the cool mornings air and then she looked at the reception with a ambitious face.

She was getting to this reception and she was getting a taxi and she was going to get Jungkook back.


"Okay are you ready?" Namjoon asked.

Arya nodded, her face was stern. Everyone was loaded with weapons. He brought a little capsule of fake blood and burst it over her arm.

"You sure you'll be able to convince them?" Jimin asked.

Arya grinned, "I got an A+ in drama for a reason."

She stepped out of the car which was parked in the forest, it was only a few minutes away from the base but it was well hidden.

Arya could see the house coming to view, she took a deep breath and instantly made a facial expression that looked like she was in a lot of pain. She purposely stumbled to the door step feigning to be in agony. Before she could even knock on the door it was swung open. "A-Arya?" The colour from the males face drained completely, he looked at her arm covered in (fake) blood and started to panic. She hadn't a clue who he was but he obviously knew her.

"Please help." she winced. "I got stabbed and I didn't know where to go!" She yelled in fake pain.

"Oh fuck, I'll shout on G-Dragon." The boy opened his mouth to yell.

However before the boy could shout Arya karate chopped him across the neck, the guy yelped in surprise falling to the floor. Arya laughed at him, "Lights out bitch." She jabbed a needle into his neck and instantly he was knocked out.

Arya looked into the hall and it was empty. "Main hallway is clear. Over," She whispered into the ear piece.

"Okay we will be here in three seconds. Over." Jin said through the ear piece.

She looked behind her outside and just as the boys had came into sight from the forest, an angry person grabbed her arm. She yelped in pain. "You fucking bitch!" G-Dragon yelled and dragged her inside slamming the door.

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