Chapter 5 || Ground Rules

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"So do you mind telling us why the hell you bloody kidnapped us?" Arya demanded and Namjoon laughed.

"Please~" Katrina added.

"I can't tell you much. But basically your parents Arya are the leaders of a gang called GOT7, and Katrina's parents are the co-leaders of GOT7. Surely you have heard of the gang called the mafia that died out, let's just say it never died out." Namjoon took a sip of what Arya presumed to be wine. He cleared his throat. "Basically they changed the name so that the government wouldn't be able to track down the members. GOT7 are deadly and will do anything to cause destruction. Now let's just say my gang BTS have this file that is in a code language and if we don't get this file back. Let's just say it could be the end."

"The end of what?" Katrina asked. And by the grim face he pulled it was not good.

"The end of the world." Namjoon grimaced.

"What do you mean? What the hell is in that file?" Arya demanded.

"That I can't tell you. But if GOT7 decode it then it will be the end of the world."

"So let me guess you took us because you think our parents will trade you the file for us?" Arya asked.

"You're quite smart." Namjoon replied.

"That's not gonna happen. You know that. Why did you really take us?" Arya asked confidently. All those years of reading and watching Sherlock Holmes and crime dramas were starting to pay off.

"GOT7 have this vault and it has something in it... Something I can't tell you what. If we steal this then we can trade it for the file." Namjoon said.

"Can't you just steal back the file?" Katrina asked.

He laughed. Like it was the most obvious answer in the world.

"Of course not! You idiot. Once they stole the file all four of them fled the county and are now in hiding in fear of us finding them. They are also trying to decode the file." Namjoon explained.

"If they are in hiding then why didn't they bring there children?" Katrina asked.

"Don't be stupid. They don't care about you. They don't care if you die or live. All they want is that file because it will make them powerful." Namjoon sneered.

"I still don't get why you kidnapped us," Arya rolled her eyes. It was the question she had wanted answered the most.

"Because there are only two people in this world that can open the vault and that is you two," Namjoon sat his hands on the desk.

"I've never been told how to open a vault." Arya stated.

"You don't know how to open it but you two are the only ones that can open it." Namjoon sighed.

"If our parents didn't care about us then why make it so that only we can open the vault?" Arya asked.

"Because they didn't expect any of the gangs to find you two snd also if you two died then nobody could ever get into the vault and that's pretty good considering what's inside the vault." Namjoon explained.

"So if we open the stupid vault we can leave?" Katrina asked.

"No. Firstly we need to teach you proper defence. Secondly you will help us break into GOT7's base. Then you will open the vault." Namjoon explained.

"And then we can go home?" Katrina asked hopefully.

"Of course not," Namjoon rolled his eyes.

"You're too valuable, you are the daughters of GOT7 if we let you go then other gangs would take you," Namjoon stated.

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