Chapter 10 || A Favour Too Many

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"Arya! What the hell are you doing in here?" It was the voice of Namjoon. He did not sound amused.

"Nice to see you too Namjoon," Arya said sarcastically before turning around to face him.

"For starters, you're not allowed to be anywhere unless you are accompanied by one of the boys. Secondly, why are you in here? And thirdly, nice punches," Namjoon mused.

"Since why the hell would I follow the rules of some bratty purple haired guy, that's ego is lower than the respect of his members?" Arya spat. She couldn't control what she said when she was in a bad mood, it seemed to be one of her biggest flaws.

Namjoon growled in anger and he was at her side in two strides, he pulled out something from his pocket. Arya gasped as a cold metal gun was placed on her temple.

"Watch your mouth, or my finger might slip on the trigger," Namjoon smirked.

Arya started panicking because he could shoot her at any second. The thought of the potential power to end her life with one single hand movement caused her to feel nauseous, especially when the one that had such power was not entirely sane.

The female exhaled deeply. "You won't shoot me. You need me," Arya reassured however her voice quivered.

"That's right I won't shoot you... Yet." He smirked.

"NAMJOON PUT THE GUN DOWN!" Jin screeched, the tall Male ran into the room in panic.

"Calm down Jin," Namjoon scoffed, he still had not removed he gun from her head, which caused the female to continue to be tense.

"Namjoon you can't shoot an innocent girl that we need," Jin approaching them cautiously, he emphasised the part that they needed her alive, just to make sure the psychotic Male wouldn't try anything.

"She pissed me off." Namjoon glared.

"Namjoon, go and take your anger out and kill somebody else. Leave the girl alone," Jin warmed, Namjoon was the leader however respectively Jin was his Hyung.

"Fine, Whatever." Namjoon rolled his eyes and put his gun back in his pocket casually like nothing had happened.

"Speak to me like that again and I'll put a bullet through your head," Namjoon snarled before turning on the ball of his foot, walking away.

"Arya are you alright?" Jin asked worriedly.

Arya was shaking in fear of what she had just experienced, she felt stunned.

"I'm fine," She said a little too harshly.

"Come on, I'll make you some tea," Jin patted her back.

Arya didn't bother to protest limped on her ankle and followed Jin out of the room and into the direction of the kitchen.

"I don't get what his problem with me is," Arya mumbled to Jin.

She sat on the stool in the kitchen and Jin sat two mugs of tea on the counter before sitting down next to her.

"Namjoon tends to...take his anger out on things he doesn't quite understand," Jin said slowly.

It was obvious to Arya that Jin was being very careful and cautious of his word choice which made her very curious.

"So you're saying he is mad at me because he doesn't understand me?" Arya asked.

"Partially... You see Namjoon doesn't know how to process...New ...Feelings. " Jin sighed.

"What?" Arya was very confused as to what Jin was saying because it wasn't making much sense to her.

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