2. The Suprise Vacation

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I woke up to all my friends sleeping so, as the best friend I am, I took pictures of them, you know, just incase I need to black mail them in the future.

I guess my laughing woke them up. When they all were awake we went inside and my mom literally went all out with breakfast, pancakes, waffles, eggs, bacon, like it shocked me, but they were in plastic containers and not on plates. ;It really confused me.

"Mom, this may be a weird question, but why isn't the food like on a plate?" She laughed and answered. "Since it's your last day, we are having breakfast on the beach."

All five of us look at each other with like gigantic smiles. I asked my mom if we could walk there, because it wasn't a long walk, and it was a nice day.

My mom got in the car and drove away as Richard, Christian, Izzy, Sam and I started to head out. I grabbed my penny board and we all headed down to the beach.

When we got there, we saw that my mom got all of this stuff set up. We all handed out plates and stuff. As we all ate, I took my phone and started to take pictures for the memories and stuff. Photography is a big thing of mine like it's one thing I wouldn't be able to live without.

There was a really cute pic that my mom took of all of us and I made it my wallpaper, a few minutes later, my dad caught up with drinks and cups.

After we ate, we sat and talked for like an hour. After that hour finished, I went on a little morning jog, like I usually do. I usually go alone, this time Sam came with me and everyone else went back to the house to get their stuff. As Sam and I got to this huge rock, he took out his phone and started taking random pictures of me.

I laughed because I probably looked terrible from the jog, but I liked the attention he was giving me, it made me crack up. I started running again and he chased after me.

A few minutes later we slowed down until we started to walk. "It's not gonna be the same without you, I'm gunna miss you waking me up everyday." He said while smiling. I give him a smile and he grabbed a hold of my hand.

"Hey, at least it's not forever. I'm gonna be back in two months and we are at least gonna have like a week together." I said.

As the normal day goes on it comes to departure time. I have Richard, Izzy, Christian, and Sam sitting right next to me waiting for my flight to call, we sat and sat and waited and waited.

When the announcement comes on I finally found out where we are going, and that's Hawaii. I got so exited that I almost yelled, but I had to keep it in. When the announcement was finished, first Izzy came up to me.

"Oh my gosh, I can't believe I'm going to be living without you for two whole months." She said staring at me with her blue eyes.

"I know, but I promise to try to skype you as much as I can, and hopefully I'll be posting on my youtube more often! Probably not youtube because you know how long that takes." I said and squeezed her.

Then Christian came up to me. "Don't get eaten in the ocean..." He said sarcastically, and then he hugged me. "Well thanks Christian, I'll miss you too..." I said. "Gunna miss you too." He said and smiled.

Then Richard "Well since you got your JetSki license, when you get back, we gotta go JetSkiing together." I nodded. "Hell yeah we will." I said and hugged him.

Last was Sam. "I'm going I miss you so much, try to call everyday, I love you." He said. "I love you too, and I promise." I smiled and hugged him, and he kissed my cheek.

"Guys I'm gonna miss you all so much. Literally it's killing, that I have to leave you guys. It's so hard to say goodbye to all of you." I said.

Izzy stepped up. "We got you this. Well we made you this. It's an album of all five of us. We were going to give it to you for your birthday, but now's the better time and your birthdays not for a long time."

"Guys, why are we acting like it's the last time you're gunna see me, I'll see you all soon." I said and laughed.

I gave all of them their last hugs, then got on to my plane. I had red watery eyes, and I sat in the seat nearest the window and I couldn't stop staring out of it. I couldn't let the album out of my hands. I looked through it probably 24 times on the plane.

Right as I got off the plane I smelt the Hawaiian air. I got my luggage and then my family and I headed to our hotel. We drove past so many long boarders and people in swim suits. As I walk into the hotel, I noticed it was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.

When I got the keys to our rooms, I left my bags with my dad and ran up to my room. As I got into my room, the view was perfect, I could see the whole entire beach from up here, and it was my OWN room, no one else's.

My dad then came over and dropped my bags off. When he left, I got another knock on my door. I look through the eyehole and saw a guy who looked about my age, I ask who it was and he said his name was Miles. I opened the door because he seemed harmless.

"Hey, I'm Miles, my mom makes me introduce myself to all my new neighbors when I go to hotels. Sorry if it's weird. I even find I weird but yeah."

I don't know but it made me laugh. "Haha it's okay, you should tell your mom that that's not safe because there's a possibility you may knock on a cereal killers door and I'm Alyssa by the way. I'm staying here for the next two months, maybe we could hang out one time, it would be fun to have someone to hang out with who isn't a family member." I said offering a smile to him.

He laughs back and says. "Yeah that would be a good idea. Like you could possibly stab me right now. Well anyway yeah hanging out would be fun, I have a 20 year old sister who literally sits on her phone the whole day."

"Hah, oh my gosh I wish I had a sibling." I said to him. "Ha, no you don't, well I have to go meet the rest of my neighbors, talk to you later."

"See you later maybe?" He asked. "Yeah definitely!" I said to him. "My room's the next door to your right." He said pointing next door.

So yeah I made a new friend today, that quickly, wow.

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