35. We're all accepted

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I wake up on the balcony, laying across from me was Sean. I walk inside. It was  about 7 in the morning and I saw Liam staring at his phone looking all bubbly and happy.

"Hey Liam you okay?" I sat walking to the kitchen with a little smirk on my face.

"Just texting someone." He says with a smile.

"Oh! That's why you've been so nice. When did you meet this little someone?" I asked, I jump on to the couch next to him and ate some fruit.

"Well I met this person a few days ago and I didn't want to say anything about it." He said while putting his phone down. "AWW and what's their name?"

"It's Nick!" He said and laughed. "Oh! Nicole? That's a nice name, that's Miles's sisters name!"

"No, it's Nick, short for Nicholas. Alyssa I know it's weird, and if you want to kick me out I'm totally up for it. He said.

"No Liam! I think that's super cute! It's just weird how you were like overly attached to me and it's like in a blink of an eye, everything changes. Why don't you invite him over for all of us to meet?" I said.

"I don't think that's a good idea..." He said while playing around with his phone. "Why not?"

"No one else knows I'm bisexual, not even my parents and I'm scared of what they think of it."

"Well I think today is the day who show it." Liam gives me a smile and a hug and rushes into the bathroom.

"Let's go everyone wake up!" I yelled as I jumped on the beds and disturbed everyone.

"We have a visitor coming today so dress a little more nicer, meaning no sweats and no baggy clothes." I said and laughed.

Everyone woke up and Liam came out of the bathroom. "Guys he gonna meet us in the diner this morning for breakfast!"

Everyone looks at him, "Liam, why don't you head to the diner and reserve seats for us at 8:30?"

As he leaves the room I call everyone onto one of the beds. "Okay, Miles, Christian, Richard, Izzy, and Carlie, please don't take this as something bad, but this morning Liam told me he met a guy, and that he kind of likes this guy, and that Liam is bi. Please do not make a big deal of it."

Everyone looks shocked and miles speaks up and says, "Well then what was all that stuff about you and him."

"That's how I know Liam really likes him, he changed his entire personality just for this one guy. The guys name is Nick, and that's all I know, but guys, please behave because this means a lot to Liam, and I know that, but Carlie please don't tell your parents because he said he wants to tell them himself."

"Okay, we promise." They all say. "I promise" Carlie says. After a few minutes we all head down to the diner on the boardwalk and we wait for nick to get here. Liam's already sitting at a table waiting for us.

We all take our seats and I sat next to Miles and Liam. A few minutes later a tall brunette with hazel eyes walks up to the table.

"Hey Liam!" He says with his hands in the pockets of the back his jeans.n"Hey Nick, come on sit down." Liam said and scooted over.

"Nick, these are my friends who I have been living with for the past month, this is Alyssa, Miles, Christian, Izzy, Carlie, and that's Richard."

We all laugh as I realize something, "Wow guys, we forgot Sean." I said and laughed.

I got up from my seat and rushed back to the room in my high waisted black shorts, black sports bra, tie dye muscle tee, and my white converse.

As I get to the room my took my room key out and go in, I see Sean still sleeping.

I took a small cup of water and poured it on him. He jumped out of bed and chased me around the room. I ran out into the hallway. He finally got to me, picked me up and threw me on the bed.

"Wait where's everyone else?" He asked me. "At the diner... and we forgot you that's why I came back up. Now go get dressed and dry your hair. Make sure you look good because there is a visitor downstairs." I said.

When Sean and I get down there, Liam says, "Great we are ready to order."

We called the waiter over and order our meals as Liam introduces Nick to Sean. As we wait for our food we just go on with normal conversations

"So Nick who are you staying with? well here in Hawaii?" Carlie asks. "Oh, I'm staying with my girlfriend, we're living in the hotel just over there."

He points to the hotel just about a mile away, but when he said girlfriend, I just saw the smile on Liam's face fade away.

Soon enough our food came and we finished eating

**about an hour later**

"That was amazing. Thank you so much guys, maybe I could introduce you guys to my girlfriend sometime." Nick says.

"Yeah that would be so cool!" Izzy replied. After we pay Nick leaves back to the hotel and the rest of us head to the beach. I grab Liam by the wrist to slow him down. When we were far enough from the rest if the group we stop and sit.

"Are you okay Liam?"

"Yeah I guess." He said and shrugged. "Did you know he had a grilfriend?" I asked. "No he said nothing of it to me... we were just talking and it seemed like he was the one for me, but I guess not if he's straight."

"It's okay Liam, loves stupid, but you never know, one day his heart might change, like yours did. So don't give up yet."

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