48. A night under lights

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Alyssa's P.O.V.

I woke up in the morning with Richard, Izzy, and Christian on the ground. I woke them up and walked down to Miles's new house. I saw people carrying furniture in.

A idea popped into my head, I took all of them to a close by store and we bought about 200+ baseballs and it only cost us 100 bucks and I also went to a close by penny board shoppe and bought a plain white deck with wheels.

I run to my house, everything was getting packed up into the truck that was getting shipped over to NY for my house.

"Guys we need to set this up for Miles." We grab a bunch of duck tape.

"Hi, we are friends with the people who are moving here and we want to decorate a room." I say.

"Do what you want, the bills on you if there's damage." This guy says. We laugh as we rush upstairs. We literally duck taped the baseballs to the white wall to make out a picture of a heart.

After we finished I took the white penny board, a sharpie and I wrote...

Hey Miles!
It's Alyssa, I knew you were moving here and I wanted to leave you a note, I love you so much, and I'm going to miss you, call me or skype be when you get here, love you!
xo - Alyssa

After we finished setting everything up I ran to get two pieces of paper one read.

"Miles your room if up the spiral stairs and the last door to the left." And we put that somewhere the could instantly see.

And the second one was on the ground near the penny board that read, "-With the help of Richard, Izzy, and christian." And they all wrote their personal notes.

After that we took all the extra baseballs and all signed out names on all of them and left them in the ground and ran outside because I had to get changed for the flight later tonight.

Miles's P.O.V.

I woke to and ran to the house Alyssa was moving in. I jumped the fence and run to the backyard, I hung up the lights on the trees and took some rocks and put them in a circle and put the firewood in the middle.

I took some chalk from my garage and wrote a letter to her on the concrete next to her pool, that could easily be washed off.

I then waited and waited for them to get here, so I just bought flowers for her, and I also bought one fake one and I sat in their back yard

I then get a ding from my phone.

Alyssa's P.O.V.

"Lyss are you ready to pick up Liam and head to New York?" My mom yells.

"Yeah." I grab my luggage and head down to the car. I get in and Izzy, Christian and Richard follow.

"I'm gonna miss you guys so much, like soooo much, make sure Miles's little gift is still in shape when he gets here. I love you three so much, and I promise to come and visit." I say literally crying my eyes out.

"Awww Lyss it's okay and we promise to keep it in top shape. We are gonna miss you so much." Izzy says.

Richard and Christian both bring me in for a bear hug and we all got into the car. We drove over to Liam's and we picked him up.

"HEY LIAM!" I yell. He jumps in and he hugs me.

"HEY GUYS!" He yelled. "You have everything?" My dad asked. He nodded.

As we got out it was about 5:30 and we had to get to the plane at 6:15. When we got out of the van, I gave Izzy, Richard, and Christian their last hugs for a while. Before I got on the plane I saw Ethan and Thomas. I ran up to them and gave them hugs. "I can't believe you guys are here!" I yelled.

"We wouldn't miss it." Ethan said. After a few minutes of talking, I left, and I cried going on to the plane, I took out my phone to text Miles.

Alyssa//Hey! Miles! I'm on the plane right now it's 6:30 here so it should be like 9:30 there. Right?
Miles//Yeah! I can't wait to see you! But it's gonna be dark so!
Alyssa//I know! But I'm gonna take a nap before we get there so.
Miles//Okay! see you later, love you.
Alyssa//Love you too!

Miles's P.O.V.

After I get the texts from Alyssa, I get the bouquet of roses and stuff the fake one in the middle. I rush over to her new house and jump the fence.

I check for last touches for our night picnic and I sat on the swing set in the back waiting for her.

About 5 hours later she finally got here it was 2 in the morning, but I was totally fine waiting with her. Her first day of a New York high school is tomorrow. so.

She walked in and her face was priceless.

Alyssa's P.O.V.

When I got to New York we got into a rental car and drove to out to our house, when we got to the house it was damn huge. Like damn.

Liam and I were the first to run in as my parents took our bags inside. I took a whole lap around the house and I chose to sleep in the attic room, it was the coolest.

I then walked out to the roof because the attic let me get onto the it. I looked around and saw him, standing right there with a bouquet of flowers in hand and chalk written on the ground. A picnic blanket in the ground and the led lights in the trees.

I ran down the stairs and almost knocked my mom over, "Lyss watch out where are you heading anyway?!"

She follows me out to the back yard. I run around the pool and jumped straight into his arms, obviously crying.

"Good to see you again beautiful!" He says hugging me. My mom says "Hey miles!" She leaves and he squeezes me.

He brings me over to the picnic blanket and we take a seat. "I can't believe you stayed up till 2 in the morning just for me."

"Well I couldn't wait to see you." He says.nI laid down on the blanket and looked up to the sky and looked at the stars.

He hands me a bouquet of flowers and says. "I'll love you till the lest flower dies." "Cheesy but I'll take it." I said and smiled.

He kisses me on the forehead and I fell asleep with my head on his chest, I felt so warm being in his arms, and I won't ever forget him.

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