22. Sweaty palms

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-Authors notes-
HEY GUYS! Please comment on what I should change in my story. and your ideas, and please vote.

- Thanks! Keep voting and commenting. This is still from Alyssa's P.O.V.

I wake up, and I notice that im laying next to Liam. He had his shirt off and I got scared for a second. I swear we just watched a movie. I checked if my cloths were on and they were, I sighed in relief.

Gladly I was the first one awake so that no one noticed that I fell asleep next to Liam. I jump up from my bed and a few minutes later Liam woke up and came into the room. "Put on a shirt Liam." I said rolling my eyes.

"Why? I know you like it."
"No I don't, just put on a shirt."
"Fine, bossy."
"What'd you just say?"
"Yeah okay."

As he puts on a shirt I start to cook eggs and bacon for everyone. Miles then wakes up and his warm arms wrap around me and he kisses my head,

"Hey, what're you making." "Eggs and bacon stupid."

I say with a smirk on my face, I pivot around so I'm facing him, he kisses me and I see Liam at the corner of my eye just looking at us. I slowly pull away from the awkwardness. "Miles wake everyone up please." I asked, he nodded and kissed my cheek.

As I'm making breakfast all of us take it out to the balcony and we started talking about what we wanted to do. "Jet skiing?" Izzy asks. "Not all of us have our licenses." I said.

"How about just the beach?" Carlie asks. "We've done to much of that this month." Olivia adds. We're all thinking hard.

"How bout scuba-diving?" Richard asks. "I'm up for it." "Me two." Miles and Liam say in unison.

"Okayyy, so let's get ready and I'll make an appointment." I said. As everyone got changed I set up a private trip at 5:00 so we still had like 3 hours to spare.

I put on my tie dye bikini top with my black bottoms and put a muscle tee and shorts on. I swung a back pack on my back, put my flip flops on, and my water proof mascara. We all went to the board walk and got some ice cream. After we all got our icecream we all headed out on to the beach.

"Hey guys I'm gonna go buy a pinnie." I said. "Why?" Miles asked. "Have you guys not seen my pinnie collection...?" I asked. Miles laughed and shook his head

"I'll come!" Izzy said. "Me too!" Carlie said. "Me three." Billy said. We all stared at Billy and laughed. "Guys you can't all come with me. I'll go alone." I said. "I'm going to go to the bathroom." Liam said. "I'll lead you." I said.

As Liam and I were walking I brought him to the bathroom before I went to the stores. As we got to the bathroom he didn't go in. "Why aren't you going in?" I asked him. "I didn't really need to go, I just wanted to come with you." I rolled my eyes and walked to the store.

"So what pinnie are you getting Ms. Bossy." He said. "What's up with the nick names they're seriously pissing me off."

"But they're cute, they suit you." Liam added. As I'm walking around the store the lady asks me if I need any help.

"Yeah actually can you lead me to the pinnies?" As she leads me to the pinnies I see Liam just staring at me.

As I see a pinnie I like I go into the changing room and change into the pinnie with my bathing suit under. I paid for it at the register and left to go back to the beach.

Liam followed as I took my flip flops off and ran back to the beach. I sat next to Miles and he put his arm around me.

"We were just talking about the rest of the vacation." Carlie said. I look at my phone, it's about 3 and we have like an hour left because we have to walk to the place.

We all decide to just go to the place because across from it there is an arcade, as we were walking the sun got brighter and brighter, as we all hung out in to arcade I'm sitting down next to ricky and everyone else is hanging around the area.

"Why don't you talk to people except for me? I'm not as different as them."

"You're just different in my eyes and that's a good thing." As we went across to the area we all got dressed in out swimming equipment and went on the boat that took us to the scuba diving area.

As the boat was heading to the spot, I'm possibly sitting in the awkwardest area.

With Liam on my left and Miles on my right. My hand are by my side and Liam tries to get a grasp of my hand. I could feel my hands and my palms suddenly get all sweaty. I wiped the sweat off using my bottom bathing suit, he tries to take a hold of my hand again, I pull away from him and whisper, "Liam you know I have a boyfriend, so please don't."

"You're just scared of falling in love with me." He said. "No it's just that I have Miles, I'm happy with Miles." I said

As the boat came to a stop, we all went down and under. It was a beautiful sight. All the beautiful fishes and the clear water, it was so nice and it was an amazing experience!

After a good one and a half hours the boat took us back to shore and we left, we all went back to the room and called it a day, we stayed at home with our pajamas on and stuff. Once again I was on the balcony, I love balcony, I have more space then anyone in the room. For about 3 hours we did nothing..

It was about 10:30 when I was on my bed outside and everyone was inside watching a movie. I was watching youtube videos and I was editing one of my own.

As I was editing Christian comes out to the balcony and takes a seat next to me.

"What's up with you and Liam? I saw and kind of heard what you guys were talking about. Is he bothering you?" He asked.

"He said I'm the only person here that he could talk to normally, and then earlier on the boat he tried to grab my hand, and he knows that I'm dating miles, and then yesterday night he came out here with me on the balcony at like one in the morning when all of you guys were asleep and he took my laptop and he said 'we are watching a movie together' and then he sat down next to me, then I fell asleep, I don't know how but I slept in an upright position but I ended up laying down under the covers next to him whos shirt was off."

"Did anything? You know... happen?"

"NO!?" I yelled.

"Good if he even tries to talk to you about, you know, then you have to come straight to someone, it doesn't have to be siblings or your parent, it could be anyone, I'm always gunna be here for you to tell."

"Thanks Christian, and I will be careful, and I have Miles. I'm happy with him." As he walks back into the room Miles comes out a few minutes later.

"It's about 11:30, you should get to bed." He said. "Miles can you stay out here with me, just for today." I asked. "Yeah definitely." He said.

I laid my head on his chest and eventually fell asleep.

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