6. What am I doing?

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Yesterday was crazy, I KISSED HIM.

I was the one that leaned in and I was the one that kissed first. It's 5 o'clock in the morning and Miles is still asleep. I brought out a chair and sat on the balcony. Thinking if that was a good thing or a bad.

I shut the door that lead from our room to the balcony and I went on my laptop. I went on twitter to see what new stuff was going on. I went onto skype and I saw that Izzy was on. I got so happy and suddenly at 5 o'clock in the morning I was all happy and energetic.

I clicked video call. It was ringing and my heart was beating. When she picked up I started crying, and she did to. We were looking at each other cry from happiness. Ahh girls. It was weird but that's how our friendship worked.

Izzy// I'm soo happy to see you! It's been way too long! How's Hawaii?!
Alyssa// Well right now I'm sitting on the balcony and it's 5 in the morning.
Izzy// Why are you awake this early?!?
Alyssa// Just thinking about stuff.
Izzy// Did you meet anyone new??

I raised the camera and showed her Miles sleeping on the bed

Alyssa// NO. I met him on the first day which was about a week and a half ago, and yesterday he moved in with me and he bought me that really big stuffed animal in the back of me, and then yesterday at the boardwalk we held hands and then the worst thing ever happened.
Izzy// Oh gosh, what happened Lyss?
Alyssa//I kissed him. I don't know why but I just broke and we kissed and I haven't even texted Sam for a while.

We both went silent thinking about what I should do, but then it came to us that we should just push it aside and talk about it later. Izzy and I talked for about an hour and a half and then Miles woke up.

"Hey Alyssa, who are you talking to?" He asked me. "Just my friend Izzy from back in California." I said. "Cool I'm gonna go get some breakfast and bring it here from my mom's, so I'll be back."

Izzy// You guys seem like a married couple. It's really weird, but he's cute.
Alyssa// I don't even know what to do with you. It's bad because I'm dating Sam. But anyway, tell me about you're love life. How are my two bestfriends.
Izzy// Well Christian actually is with me right now which is the perfect time to tell you that he finally got the balls to ask me out.
Alyssa// Guys I'm sooo happy for you both! I knew this was gunna happen one day. How's Richard and Sam though?
Izzy// Haha yeah, and Richard broke his 3rd longboard and Sam is doing good, he really misses you though.
Alyssa// Honestly I feel bad saying this, but for some reason I don't really miss him as much as I thought I would.

Miles walks in and says that were gonna eat breakfast.

Alyssa// Guys, I have to go, I'm eating breakfast, talk to you guys later! Bye!
Izzy&Christian// Byeeeee!

As Miles and I take a seat at the table we talk about yesterday.

"Why'd you kiss me last night? Not like I didn't like it... I was just surprised." He said. "Like you said when you held my hand. I thought it was a prefect time to."

Miles looked at me and smirked. I looked at my phone and see a lot messages just from Sam. Instead of texting I just decided to call him. I walked out onto the balcony.

Then the thought comes out to my mind. Should I tell him about the kiss? But if I do, that would ruin everything. Well luckily for me, Sam didn't answer and I didn't need to tell him at that moment. Miles walked out, and said, "Alyssa, our families want us to go head down to the beach. Get ready we gotta go."

I put on my waterproof mascara and eyeliner, then my neon turquoise bathing suit and my white lace cardigan over.

It was 2 o'clock in the afternoon and Miles and I were sitting on the beach, I couldn't let go of my phone for some reason. I kept on looking at it for messages but, I just. I dont know.

I spent all of my day at the beach, it's 6:00 and I'm exhausted.  I walked back to the room with Miles, we took showers and changed. Miles is with me sitting on our balcony and Miles starts talking, to his laptop. "Who are you talking to?" I asked him. "Youtube." He said smiling. "Oh you have a youtube too? Why didn't you tell me?" I asked.

"Come on then collab with me and I don't know why I didn't tell you, people usually don't know about mine, like I don't have a full out YouTube camera set like you do." He said to me and laughed. It was weird finding that out.

"Hey guys it's Miles! I'm here with my special guest..." It was kind of weird cause I've never been on any one else's channel before. Before Miles spoke my name we were stopped by a knock...

Right before I said my name a knock came up on the door. I got up and Miles awkwardly followed me. When I opened the door I was expecting a family member, but when I did, it was a totally different person.

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