47. Sweet home California/New York

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Alyssa's P.O.V.

The plane ride was long, well maybe cuz I was upset about leaving miles and how I'm not going to see him till autumn formal or maybe even my homecoming.

"Alyssa look out the window." Ethan says. I turned my head to see the night lights of California. I turned around to see Izzy, and Christian, in the seats behind us, then Liam and Richard behind them.

When the plane boarded, we got our luggage and all met up infront of the gateway.

"Liam, let's go we have to get your stuff."

"I'll see you tomorrow Alyssa, and to all of you thank you for supporting me." Liam said while waving bye to us.

My family, Richard, Izzy, Christian, Ethan and I walk out waiting for someone to pick us up in the van. The van pulls up and the window was rolled down.

"UNCLE HENRY!" I say running up to the van.

"Hey McDonalds!" no he did not call me McDonalds because I was fat, it's because everytime he would call me I would answer with "heloo mcdonalds speaking whats your order?"

I gave him a squeeze as my parents packed my stuff into the van.
"Hey Lyss what happened to your arm? Stitches... How?"

"A knife."

"Well shit..." He said.

"Henry! Watch your language!" My mom yells. "Mom! It's okay!" I said watching Uncle Henry laugh while covering his mouth.

"Oops..." He whispers with a smile. "Well who's this fine youngster? Is this Miles?" He said looking at Ethan.

"Please don't ever say it like that, ever again and no, this is the famous Ethan."

"Oh the boy who made my little niece here pass out by bringing her back to a hotel... Good job" He whispered to Ethan.

"Well Ethan are your parents coming to pick you up, or are we dropping you off."

"My parents are coming." He said smiling. "Well we'll stay here till your folks come pick you up."

I sat on the ground next to Ethan as we waited for his parents to pick him up. A few minutes later a car pulls up,

"That's my ride." He says. "Ethan your mom looks a little young for a mom, don't you think?"

"That's not my mom, that's my sister! She's 24 dimwitt." He said as he hugged me.

"Okay! I was about to freak out for a second." I took one of his bags and walked to the car. "Hey ugly whats up?" He says to his sister. "Obviously picking you up from the air port ass wipe." She says with a smile.

He runs over to the other side of the car

"It's good to see you asshole." He says while hugging his sister.

"You too, and this must be the little lady you've been talking to me about! Hi! I'm Mia, Ethan's sister." She said.

"Hi I'm Alyssa." I say shaking her hand

"I know I've heard lots about you!" She says out loud... But then she whispers. "This douche hasn't shut up about you ever this summer."

I laugh, and then Ethan comes over. "Mia get back behind the wheel."N"Fine pushy pants." She says back.

"Quite a relationship you got there with your sister, right?"

"Amazing. Well I'll see you sooner or later. Hopefully."

"Yes you will."

He pulls me into a big hug and I hug him back, he let's go and begins to get in his car.

"Don't ever forget about me!" I yell to him. "I promise!" He yells back.

As his sister pulls out of the parking, I head over to my uncles truck and then we headed over to Izzy's house and we got Pongo since her parents watched her as we were away and we dropped her stuff off, we dropped off Christian's and Richard's stuff too.

They stayed in the truck with me since it was my last night in California, damn, too many flights.

When we get to my house I take Pongo and rush to the door, Richard and Christian carried my stuff as I unlocked the door with my dad's keys. I run in and take a lap around my whole house literally pointing out the obvious like...

"There's my couch!" Or, "There's my sweet sweet room." When I got tired from running I noticed my house was 3/4th's empty.

"Where's the rest of our furniture? Our tv, our ref, my bed..." I asked.

"Henry already sent it to NY, and all we have to do is bring all our clothes." My mom said.

"Mom can I take a walk around the neighbor hood tonight? Just for sake." She nodded and I grabbed my three friends and pulled them outside for a walk.

"I'm going to miss the three of you so much, but hey, at the beginning of summer I thought I wasn't going to spend any time with you guys because I was going to be I'm Hawaii, but guess what... You guys were in Hawaii with me!"

"True and at least we got to spend a lot of time with you before you moved to New York." Richard says. I stop dead in my tracks.

"Alyssa, are you okay?" Christian asks.

"This is the house." I said.

"Alyssa that house on market, and it already says sol- ooooo." Izzy says. "I'm sorry Alyssa." Christian says. "What happened?" Richard asks.

"Oooh this is the house Miles is moving in! YAY!" Nick says. I stare at him literally about to bawl and Izzy smacks him in the arm.

"Not yay?" He says. "Listen Alyssa, I know it's hard but when you guys are older maybe you could get a house as one here in California."

"Yeah. True." I say. "Let's go back to my house and let's just hang out" I say.

Miles's P.O.V.

Things didn't feel right without Alyssa next to me. The flight was long and boring, with my sister on her phone next to me and my parents sitting behind us.

I scrolled through all my pictures I had on my camera and on my phone, I then found one picture that I took of alyssa at the beach when she wasn't even paying attention. I laughed at how funny it was.

"Flight 302 New York has finally landed." I heard over the loud speaker.

"Finally." I say stretching. I took my stuff and walked outside and see my dad's car that we left there for like two months...

We shoved our bags into the back and we all squished in. A few minutes later we got home and all of my stuff was either in boxes of was wrapped in plastic.

I took my dog out for a run, five minutes after walking I saw the house Alyssa was going to move in. I knew that because my mom told me.

I take Casper my chocolate lab, and run back.

"Hey mom I'm gonna go run over to Target real quick." I said. She nodded.

I took my money and bought so many fake flowers. Probably over 60. I bought blue Christmas tree lights and and some fire wood.

Alyssa is coming tomorrow night, so I'll set everything to tomorrow morning I'm leaving in the day after tomorrow, so I have some time to spend with Alyssa, I seriously can't wait.

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