42. Come find us please.

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I wake up with my wrists hurting, Izzy's still sleeping. I managed to get the tape off my mouth.

"Izzy wake up. We have to get out." No response. "IZZY WAKE UP." I started screaming. Still no response.

"Izzy please you're scaring me." Still no response.

"Izzy please answer." I said. I couldn't check her breathing because my arms were tied, I would look at her stomach but she was crunched up.

"Izzy please." I start to give up "Izzy, please answer." "Please. I want to see my family's smiles, I want to feel Miles's hugs and kisses again. I want to hear your voice. I want to have them all back, Christian, Richard, I want to see Nick and Liam have a life as one together, I want everyone back. I want Ethan to talk to. Please.

I lay my head in between my legs, and start bawling. 5 minutes later "OH MY FUCKING GOD." Izzy yells.

"Holy fu- Izzy you scared me to death."

"Yeah I know..." She says with a smirk. "Wait what?"

"Guys you could come out now!" she says "Isabelle. I will kill you." The two guys came out from above the boardwalk and so did all the guys. They un-cuffed us and when we got out from under the boardwalk I punched Izzy so hard on her arm.

"Ow that hurt!" "IT MENT TO, YOU GUYS SCARED THE SHIT OUT OF ME!?" They all started laughing as I started crying

"Awww it's okay Lyss." Miles pulls me into a hug. "I hate all of you so much."

"We know!" Ethan said. I plop down onto the sand and laid down. "At least we know how much you love us." Ethan said, they all start laughing.

"You it's have no idea how fucking scared I was." I said and hit Ethan.

(I hit people when I get worried)

"Owww, calm down."

"Fine lets just go back to the pool and I am going to stay with you guys." I said while grabbing Ethan's arm. "Fine."

"Ethan piggy back ride, I deserve it."

Niles was completely fine with it, I thought he was gonna attack Ethan... We all went back to the pool and I laid down on a chair, I laid it all the way back to I could lay down, and the next thing you know Miles has my arms and Nick has my legs and they throw me in,

"Holy fuck my doctors gonna kill me," and then we laugh.

A few hours later we head back upstairs and we got changed, I didn't really care and it was too much of a struggle to change so with my strapless bathing suit and shorts I went to the teen lounge waiting for them.

I sat myself down on a bean bag that was sitting on the balcony of the teen lounge that wrapped around the whole hotel. "Hey whats up."

I looked up to see this guy standing in front of me. "Can I take a seat?"

"Sure." He sits down in the concrete next to me. "What happened to your ankle?" He asked. "I fell and my foot, got stuck in between rocks." I said and continued browsing on my laptop. "Nice."

"Haha yeah..." It was weird, like awkward.  "How long have you been in Hawaii?" "About two months, I only have four more days here though." I said. "Sucks." I still have about three weeks.

"You are so lucky, I love it here." "Yeah like look at that view." He said pointing out to the ocean and the sunset.

"Mind me getting you a drink?" He said. "Oh, thank you, but I'm waiting for friends so I'm not sure if I have time. So, what's your name?" I asked. "Nate. How about you?"

"Alyssa, where you from?"

"New York."

"Do you any chance know Miles Peyton?"

"Yeah, how do you know him. Are you a stalker because I don't think My bestfriend would like stalkers (Miles by the way.)" He said scooting away.

After I hear the word "yeah" come out of his mouth I yelled inside. "Well we actually know each other really well."

"How?" He said. "Hold up."

I took out my phone right in front of him, I put my phone on speaker. "Hey babe, why are you calling?" He asked.

Nate looks at me I'm shock since he heard the word "babe." "Well I'm at the teen lounge and I met this guy Nate. He says that he knows you, do you know him?" Then he says "Alyssa take me off speakerphone." I do and he says

"Alyssa, tell him that you have to go to the bathroom or something and when you lose sight of him. RUN." "Wait... Why? Explain." I said. "Run back to our room and I'll tell you everything about him. Just get away from him now!"

Miles hangs up. "Hey Nate I have to go bathroom, I'll be back though." I said. "Okay." As I'm walking away, when I can't see him I start to hop as fast as I could, "Hey Alyssa where are you going?!"BI hear someone scream.

I hop down to the stairs because he could catch me at the elevator, thank goodness my room was only three floors down, as I get to my room I see Miles standing in front of the door way, I limp my way to him. "Where is he?" He said angrily.

"Behind me."

"Even with you're cast you out ran him? Dang he was a baseball and basketball player." "Alyssa get back here!" We hear a yell, I turned around to see Nate.

"Alyssa get back in the room" "Miles I don-"


I walk into the room shaking, Miles seemed angry, and I didn't want anything bad happening. "Alyssa whats going on?" Richard says and I'm panting from my running. "Miles- is- out- side and- he might be getting- hurt- please go help him."

Ethan, Richard, Nick, and Liam all rush out and Izzy takes me and brings me out to the balcony and sits me down." The guys brought Miles back in and his eye was swollen. "Miles, who was he?"

"Someone you don't need to know about."

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