34. The morning they leave

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Authors notes: hey guys I'm going to try to add P.O.V.'s in this chapter! Mostly from Sean and Alyssa. So enjoy!



I woke up this morning on the beach, everyone's still asleep but I couldn't find Sean. I walk over to the boardwalk, it was about 6 in the morning, and didn't see Sean, I walked back and laid sat on a separate towel so I wouldn't wake anyone up.

I look at my phone and lift my head up a little just so I could see the ocean. I saw someone coming out of the water.

"Oh that might be Sean!" I ran over to the water. He gets out of the water shirtless and in his boxers.

"Oh sorry Sean." I said as I turned around. "It's alright." He jogged over and he told me to throw him his shorts, he put them on and said he wasn't in his boxers anymore.

"We should get breakfast for everyone." He said. Sean and I walked to the boardwalk to Jisters and got some breakfast, as we carried all the food back everyone was awake, but most it them were half asleep.

"Guys, Sean and I got food, wake up." I said. A few minutes later all of us were eating breakfast


We all looked to see Emily stomping to us with her little possey. She grabs Sean and drags him away and speaks to him. All of us stare at each other and rolled our eyes.

"What's her problem?" Olivia says.

"She doesn't have any problems she's just not one of us." I said as I continued eating fruit.

"Then why does Sean get along with us so well?" Carlie asked.

"Well see, Sean and Emily are nothing alike. Sean is more on our side, Emily is more of a preppy, sophisticated, person."

"Well we're sophisticated too." Carlie says with a frown. We all then look what she was wearing (a blue silk dress and she was holding heels) and then we look what I was wearing (a bandeau with sweatpants and converse) and we all laughed.

"Yeah we're soo sophisticated... " Liam said laughing. I kept on looking over my shoulder to see what was going on with Sean and Emily and a few minutes later they walked away.

About twenty minutes later we all went back into the hotel to get Olivia and Billy's stuff and get them to the airport.

Liam gets my dad's van (with permission) and we pack their stuff in and we all head out to the airport.

I was spinning my phone in my hand as I get a text message.

Sean//Hey Alyssa, it's Sean and can I stay with you and you're friends? For the rest of your vacation?
Alyssa//Sure, but what happened with Emily? And I know it's you Sean, you don't need to tell me every text.
Sean//She's just getting on my last nerves, and oh right.
Alyssa//Okay, I'll meet you in the front of the hotel in like an hour because I'm at the airport right now.
Sean//Thank you guys so much.

Liam parked the van and we all helped Olivia and Billy get their bags out of the van. I stand there literally almost about to die from tears.

Billy notices me as I'm staring at the ground, he walks over and lifts my head up.

"We'll miss you too Lyss." He brings me into a hug and lets go.

"Remember the reunion. We have to plan." Olivia says while hugging me.

"I'm going to miss you guys so much, thanks for all you guys have done for me this summer. I will miss you guys and I will never forget you guys."

As Billy and Olivia roll their bags away from the van into the airport I yelled, "WAIT GUYS! One last group picture."

They rush over as I hand my phone to a man who works at the airport. He snaps the picture and I laugh and cry as I look at it, "Bye guys." I said.

They walked away and when we couldn't see them, I broke down and cried all the way back to the hotel.

As we got into the hotel, my mascara was running, then I see Sean.

"Hey what happened?" He asked.

"We just dropped off Olivia and Billy at the airport." Miles says for me, cause I couldn't speak between sobs.

"Ohhh, well are we ready?" Sean asks. "Ready for what?" Richard asks. "I said he could stay with us because Emily and stuff." I said.

Richard yelled, "Yes, that's where it's at!" He high fives Sean and laughs. "For how long?" Miles asks.

"Until you guys leave. That's what Alyssa said was fine." We all took Sean's bags upstairs into the room with the rest of us. Izzy, Carlie, Richard, Christian, Miles, Liam and I are helping Sean settle in as I get a call i answer to hear Ethan's voice from the other end of the call, I run out on to the balcony and shut the door behind me

Alyssa//HEY ETHAN!
Ethan//How's hawaii right now?
Alyssa//It's good! We are helping settle in a new guy that we met because something happened with him and his family and he doesn't have anywhere else to stay and we just dropped Liv and Billy off at the airport.
Ethan//And how does miles think of that?
Alyssa//I don't know I never asked him.

I suddenly felt guilt in my mind from inviting Sean in with out anyone else's opinion.

Ethan//Well good luck with that...
Alyssa//Ugh I wish you were still here, everything would be so much better, and how's Thomas?
Ethan//I know I do to, and he's good, Thomas is with me right now actually, we're at a friends, girlfriends sweet sixteen, it's at a country club and I'm bored an I'm walking around the gold course. 
Alyssa//Oh sucks well at least I'll see you when I get back from Hawaii! And go back inside and have fun!
Ethan//I know I'm so excited! And fine, I'll dance with Thomas.
Alyssa//Haha funny... I'll text you soon! And tell Thomas I said hey.

I hang up and go back into the room. when I get back in, Sean's all settled in and they were all sitting on the bed, talking. I then take a seat next to Miles and behind Sean, and just think about if Sean is a good person or not.

Sean's P.O.V.

I wake up at about 5:00 and saw that everyone was dead asleep. But it felt so nice not hearing the voice of my irritating sister as I wake up. I walked over to the ocean, took off my shirt and shorts and jump in. A few minutes after me floating around, I see alyssa heading over to me.

"Hey Sean!" She said to me. As I stood up shirtless and in boxers she seemed really shocked and she turned around and apologized.

I asked her to pass me my shorts and she did. "Let's go get everyone breakfast."

We walked to Jisters that wasn't that far away and we got everyone food, as we got back we handed out the food to everyone. As we are all talking having fun, and I hear my name being yelled.


I turn around to see Emily marching towards me. She grabbed my wrist and pulled me aside

"Sean whats wrong with you?" She asked. "I'm just hanging out with my friends."

"Your friends? I'M YOUR SISTER." She said. "Yeah and they're my friends."

"You know what Sean I can't take you, you are so annoying and ugh I just hate you and I want you out of my room." She said nagging.

"What do you mean out of your room?" I asked.

"I mean I want you to take your luggage and find somewhere else to sleep, maybe ask your little girlfriend Alyssa over there."

"She's not my girlfriend."

"Well whatever she is, just leave my room. I'll help you pack."


Hey guys thanks for sticking with my story! I love you all so much! This chapter was long because all my sports and stuff were cancelled, but thank goodness next week it spring break for us in New York!

Spread out my story!!

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