26. My decision

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I wake up still exhausted from all that had happened the day before. And I don't see Miles. I get up and run out of the room and start yelling "Miles? Miles? MILES?" Then, I heard Liam yelling at someone on the balcony.


The curtain blows a little bit and I get a little peak at Miles who is setting on the bed with red eyes and holding his leg which is red with blood. Then, I see Liam standing proudly. And I look at his two fists which are also red with blood. Then they both see me and Liam's face turns from angry to complete happiness. I ran into the room.

"Hey Alyssa, how are you doing? I missed you on the last part of our DATE (he says it with enthusiasm and looks at Miles) did you get lost?"

"NO I didn't get lost Liam, I left you because you were making out with some other girl behind the bathrooms for twenty minutes and you are a player!"

"Now hold on, that can be-" I cut him off. "ENOUGH, I don't care what your explanation is, I just want to talk to Miles right now, without you looking over my shoulder or next to me."

"No I'm not leaving." Liam then sat down on the bed. "Liam, I'm giving you three seconds... If you don't want your ass beaten my girl I advise that you leave right now."

He just sat there obnoxiously.

"Fine you made me do this." He just smirked at me, not believing that I could actually hurt him.

As soon as I knew it my fist connected with Liam's face, I twisted both his arms behind him, and held his hands together and made him stand up, and kicked the back of his knee causing him to fall, and I dragged him into the hallway.

I slammed the door, locked it and brought Miles to the bathroom. I sat him in the tub and washed the blood off his leg, and other parts of his body.

"Miles what did he do to you?"

"Well, he dragged me out here when you were still sleeping and started to punch my elbow and my leg until it started bleeding. Then you came in and kicked his ass."

"UGH, he makes me so mad. Did he say anything to you? And thank goodness for my dad's self defense classes..." "He just told me to stay away from you, figures, in my opinion, he has been getting pretty jealous of you and I."

I see Liam on his phone in one of the chairs with his nose bleeding. We get Miles all cleaned and put bandages over his leg, then he puts his mouth near me ear and whispers, "Alyssa, just know that if Liam EVER does anything to hurt you or scar you again, let me know and I will beat his face off."

The last part makes me chuckle a little bit and smile.

"Ok I will, but I gotta help... remember the self defense classes!"

A few minutes later Miles can walk now, but every step he takes he's in pain.

"Miles how about when you're all better we'll go to torain park to could bring your baseball stuff and I shall bring my softball stuff."

"Yeah, that'd be cool." He smiles at me, a knock on the door stops his smile. "Who's there?" I asked. "It's Liam, look Alyssa I need to talk to you." I walk out and shut the door.

"I want to tell you I love you. and nothing could ever change that." He said "Liam how do you show you love me by beating someone I love, by hurting them you're hurting me." "I'm sorry, I'm just scared that I'm going to lose you to him."

"Liam look, you can't just go hurting everyone that I love. I'm not just yours."

"Just tell me when you have your decision if you want Miles or me. I'm sorry and I love you." "Miles, I choose Miles. I can't stay around someone who beats the other people I love."

As I'm m walking back into the room Miles asks what up with Liam. "Oh he just wanted to apologize."

"That's good." Ugh. Liam just wants to make my life a million times more stressful, nothing else really interesting happened today. But that's pretty much all the important things you need to know that happened.

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