21. Moonlight Movie

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Authors notes: I'm sorry I can't do P.O.V.'s anymore, the problem is if I continue my chapters with P.O.V.'s I might not make it up in a day because I have school volleyball and softball, so pre-apology for my lateness! This will be from Alyssa's point of view!


I wake up from the song "I'm yours" by Jason Mraz as my ringtone. I wake up in Miles's arms, I feel the dry tears of joy on my face. I look at my phone and it was my dad calling us down to get ready for breakfast and he said to dress nicely.

I remember yesterday where Miles made my biggest dream come true, and I smile and look at him. I then wake him up, it probably took a good solid 10 minutes to wake him up, but at least he woke up. We headed down to our room to take quick showers then leave. We met up with our family and friends and we walked out to the sea side diner.

"Hey guys, shouldn't you guys have reserved seats already?"

My mom shakes her head, "Nope, we are having breakfast on that."

She points to a boat, my jaw dropped. as we all walked on to the HUGE boat, we saw that no one else was on it, except for one other family and our captain. Apparently this was the most expensive boat breakfast there is, there's a dance floor and we could eat on the top deck if we wanted. My mom told me we were spending the whole day on this boat with Miles's family my family and our friends, but with another family. This family had two teens who looked about our age, meaning they are probably 15. My friends and I went over to them to introduce ourselves because we are spending a whole day with them.

"Hi um we are the two families and we wanted to introduce us to you so this trip won't be awkward."

Everyone starts to laugh.

"Well I'm Izzy. That's Alyssa and that's Olivia!" "And I'm Miles that's Christian, Richard and Billy."

There was an awkward "hi" moment but then the mother said, "Guys introduce yourselves!" A girl with so much enthusiasm and wearing a white and light blue dress, jumps up out of her seat..

"Hi there! I'm carlie, I'm eighteen and we've been living in that hotel for one month!" She said as she pointed to the hotel we loved in. "Honey not that much information!" Her mom said. She starts to blush and sits down.

"We're living there too! Maybe we could all hang out after this boat trip!" Olivia says.

"I call dibs." Richard says. I punch him hard and stare at him. Thank goodness he whispered that.

"How about him?" Billy said disrespectfully. I once again punch him.

But I did notice the boy, he was wearing a black sweatshirt and black shorts. He's been looking at his phone ever since we got onto the boat.

"Sorry about my friends, their quite disrespectful." That's the only time I've seen the boy look up, he had deep hazel eyes and looked straight at me. "I'm Liam."

After he said his name he looked back at his phone. "He's 20, sorry for his rudeness." His mom said.

"Why don't we all eat up on the upper deck, all of our families." Miles said. All of the teens sit on the cushioned chairs near the railings of the boat.

We all sat in a half an oval so we could all see over the view. As we sat, of course Richard went and sat next to Carlie, so the seating was kind of awkward. Richard sat on the left of Carlie, nearest to the railings. Then on the right of Carlie was Olivia, then Billy, then Christian, then Izzy. Then Miles on my left, and then Liam was on my right.

He still hasn't let his eyes come up ever since he looked at me. We all ordered out food and Liam just ordered a salad, he's so.... boring. I try to pick up a conversation with him, I said hey but he just kept looking at his phone ignoring me.

That didn't work. Like literally how are two siblings SO different. Carlie is so unique, so spirit rising, who wears bright colors, then there's him. After we ate it was already 2:30 and we have about 5 hours to go.

"Hey Carlie wanna dance?" Richard with his 'beautiful' face asks Carlie, so Billy, Olivia, Izzy, and Christian all go dance. "Want to dance Alyssa?" Miles asked me. "Yeah hold on I'll catch up go ahead." As Miles is gone, I look at Liam.

"Why don't you talk?" I asked him. "I don't like people." He said with an attitude. "But then why are you talking to me?"

"You're different" He said. "How?" "You're not obnoxious." "How do you know if the persons obnoxious if you don't talk to them?" "I don't have to talk, I can just listen."

I get kinda mad, so I walk away. "If you want to not be boring, I'll be downstairs."

How could so much stupidness be in one person. I started thinking... After about two hours of dancing I swear it just got boring, all of the teens sat in a circle, just talking.

I got mad because Liam wouldn't take his freaking butt up and at least come over here. We had 3 more hours and we sat and talked and went on our phones for at least an hour I guess, so we only had 2 hours left.

All the parents were sitting in the lower deck so all of the teens were literally going crazy. We were playing truth or dare, and really childish stuff like hide n' go seek! It was actually pretty fun.

After all that running in a dress and converse, the boat docked and we all got off, "Hey!" Miles said. "Tonight there's going to be a showing of the lights festival we made yesterday! Why don't you all come!"

Carlie yelled and I mean yelled. "YOU GUYS DID THAT!?!? OH MY GOSHH THAT WAS PERFECT!" Their parents said, "Well we are going to be in the casino, so if all your parents and siblings want to come that's fine!"

We all nodded, Carlie and sadly Liam followed us to our room as I changed in to high waisted shorts and an avengers crop top, we headed down to the beach and there were sooo many people, there was a little stage set up for us and microphones too.

As everyone took their seats on the sand Miles went on stage as I stood off the stage. "Hi everyone thanks for coming to the viewing of the lights festival I threw yesterday for one special girl. I made a video showing how I planned it and some clips that you might have not been able to see down here. But first let me introduce this wonderful, strong, lady that I'm so lucky to have, Alyssa."

A wave of applause came among the crowd as I walked up on to this stage, "Come on Alyssa say something."

"Hi everybody, I'm Alyssa and have leukemia as some of you already know. I was going to keep it private, but Mr. Loud mouth over here doesn't know how to keep a secret." Everyone chuckled.

"But he did make my life, as wonderful as it could be. Leukemia is a type of cancer as some of you know, and I have been living with it for about 15 years now."

I then started to tear up. Even though I tried to force myself not to.

"With out the push of my peers, and without the happiness in my life, with out the people I have right now, I wouldn't have been as strong as I am right now to fight off this cancer. I need everyone to please give a round of applause to these five wonderful people, plus the most wonderful person, my boyfriend Miles."

Everyone claps, and Miles takes the microphone. "Okay guys so we're going to start the video!"

As the video plays I see many smiles over the crowd, which makes me so happy. At the end of the video I was literally drowned in tears of joy and mostly everyone else was too. As I look at my group of friends, Christian has his arm over Izzy, Richard and Carlie are cuddling, Olivia and Billy are literally crying. Miles was on the stage talking to the crowd and of course Liam was on his phone.

As Miles finished speaking all of the crowd vanished we all walked to the hotel and all decided to bunk in the same rooms, and yet I once again decide to sleep out one the balcony with the queen mattress laid out.

Everyone was dead asleep at one in the morning, but I was on my laptop, but then someone walks out onto the balcony and takes a seat next to me. "What's up."

I just continue looking at my screen. "Aren't you going to answer?"

"Now you know how I feel when you don't answer me." He smirked, "Wow! That's the first time I've seen you ever try to smile!" I said and rolled my eyes. "Funny."

He takes my laptop, "Hey what are you doing?" I asked. He opens up netflix. "We are watching a movie. Together."

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