41. A day at the lake

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From now on, we only have four more days in Hawaii, I don't think I could take this.

Today I was heart broken, but gladly Sean and Carlie were kicked out.

It's midnight right now, Richard came out on the balcony with me, but just as friends, we decided to sleep next to each other because we were both going through a heart break so.

Me knowing him since I was 3 gave me the feeling he was my brother for 12 years he has stuck with me.

"I'm sorry Richard, about Carlie."

"You too, well about Sean." I laid my head on his shoulder as we both sat against a wall separating the room and balcony.

"Why do bad things always happen to me?" I say as I start crying. "I don't know, but no matter where you are I will always be there for you. Remember when you went on vacation when we were twelve and you went for a week and I couldn't be separated from you so long so I begged my mom to let me go with you guys."

"Haha yeah, that week I dared you to swim in a lake and you caught a fish in your bikini bottoms."

We both started laughing, "See good things happen to you too, that's how life works."

"I guess." I say.

"How about we go down to McDonalds and get some iced coffee, it's pretty hot out here today."

I nodded, in my pajamas shorts I grab my wallet and Richard and I sneak around everyone who's sleeping and we head down.

My cast is all dirty now but I really don't care anymore. We got to McDonalds got iced coffees and took a seat on the sand.

"It's nice to get away sometimes." Richard says. "Um no it's nice to get away all the time." I say.

"It's good to be alone with you too, we haven't had a lot of time to hang out ever since I left to come here." He said.

"That's so true. I miss Cali. I can't wait to go back... But I don't want to leave Hawaii either." I said.

"That's also true. But hey, maybe next year we could go again. That would be fun." He said. "Well my mom does have a timeshare here for three rooms too!" I said.

"Wanna walk around? I'm getting board." He said. We go on to the board walk and see Sean, he walks up to me.

"Alyssa I'm sorr-" I cut him off. "Sean save it and walk away."

"But you di-" I cut him off again. "Save it and walk away." Richard and I walked passed him, don't look back, don't look back. I say to myself.

"Nice job Alyssa, only if I could to that." He said. "Well here's your chance..." I say. Carlie was walking up to us.

"Hey Richard." He said. "Carlie ple-" He gets cut off by her. "No Richard I'm talking to you and you can't stop me." She said.

"Um, yeah Carlie, I don't think we need any of your shit right now, so yeah just keep walking." I say.

"No I'm no-" I cut her off. "Yes Carlie, yes you are going, now."

"Ugh." she says as she walks past. "Thanks so much Lyss." She check the clock and it's one in the morning.

"We should start heading back." I say. "Yeah let's go." When we get back we walk onto the balcony and sit there watching "scary movie" and I'm pretty sure he fell asleep before me but I fell asleep on his shoulder.

It's good to have someone like you.

||||||the next day||||||

I wake up next to Richard, with my laptop and some coffee beside me. "Aye Richard wake up."

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