37. I promise.

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(continuation of last chapter)

It was a long day today, so much pain, so much drama, so much sadness.

I hated it, after about an hour of me being in the hospital everyone went home except for Liam, Sean, and Miles. Nick drove everyone home for us.

As I crutched out of the hospital, I got into my dad's van which Liam was driving. I took out my phone and got a message from Ethan.

Ethan//Call me when you get this.

I called him about three times before he actually picked up.

Alyssa//Why'd you want me to call?
Ethan//I heard what happened and I wanted know if you were alright.
Alyssa//Well yeah I'm fine now but so much stuff has been happening like seriously I'm so glad that I could talk to you right now.
Ethan//Well what stuff has been going on?
Alyssa//I'll explain everything that's happening when we get home, I'm in the van and I don't want to talk about it here.
Ethan//That's alright, just call me when you get back to the hotel okay?
Alyssa//Okay, I will.

Ethan hangs up, with Liam driving and Sean in the shot gun, Miles is sitting in the back with me.

"You alright?" Miles asks me while grabbing my hand.

"Yeah, just that I'm gonna have to go on a plane with a cast on in like a week and a half."

"Oh right. I'm gonna be devastated when I can't wake up next to you and your beautiful face."

Tears start to fall down my cheek slowly. The van stops and pulls into out hotel parking lot. I crutch into the hotel to the elevator. When we get up into the room everyones just sitting there waiting for me.

"Hey do you guys all want to make a youtube video with me? For a get well present." Even Nick and Jenn were there.

Everyone agreed. We all sat on one of the beds and Miles set up the tripod and clicks record.

"Yo was up subscribers of her." Sean says. First some awkward silence happened for like two seconds then all of us wouldn't stop laughing.

"Sean I hope you know when I edit im not cutting that out. ANYWAY... Hey guys! It's Alyssa, and I'm still in Hawaii and surprisingly I am in a cast."

Miles grabs my leg and lifts it up to the camera and then everyone starts cracking up.

"As you guys can see I am with many many many people, and we will be doing the room mate tag! Well even though we have been living together only for a month and a half or less, literally we are room mates. Well guys you could introduce yourselves now... and something about yourself."

"I'm Sean.... and I like sports I guess."
"I'm Miles, I'm Alyssa's boyfriend and I'm pretty sure you guys know that." He says with a smile, then the whole room goes. "Ooooooooo." And all of them laughed.

"I'm Christian, I live in Cali."

"CHRISTIAN DON'T TELL THEM WHERE YOU LIVE!?" Izzy yelled. We all laughed and continued.

"I'm Liam, I'm 20."

"I'm Nick, I'm the oldest in the room."

"I'm Jenn, and I'm Nick's my girlfriend."

"I'm the Richard, and I met Alyssa when we were three."

"I'm Izzy, and I've been friends with Alyssa since we were in middle school."

"I'm Carlie, I'm Liam's little sister."

"And that's all of them so on twitter I asked y'all to tweet me some random roommate questions, so this is a question for the owner of the room which is me, and it is. 'how did you meet everyone and why did you invite them to live with you' well everyone here except for Izzy, Richard, and Christian I met here in Hawaii, and I've known then for a while and Miles here was my neighbor his family lives on the right of us and everyone else I just invited in because we were all to lazy to walk to each other's rooms because we were all to far away."

**about ten minutes later **

"And yeah guys this is the end of the roommate tag, hoped you guys liked it and see you next wednesday, alohaaa from Hawaii!"

Miles gets up and shuts the camera off.

"Can I bring you somewhere?" Miles asks me. "Yeah sure." Miles makes me get on his back and brings me out on to the beach.

"Miles did you not remember when happened to me the last time I was on a rock..."

"You're safe with me. Here look."

He pointed to a rock with a carving

"To Alyssa: I'll love you forever, I promise."

I hugged the hell out of Miles, "Did I tell you how much I love you." I say on his back.

"About a million times!" He said and kissed me. He picks me up and brings me out to the beach, he sits down and I take a seat on his lap,

"This is for you." I open up the box and it's a charm bracelet.

"It's carved, look on the heart charm."

I get a text message from Sean.

Sean//Alyssa can you meet me near the sea side diner? At like 5:30.

"Hey Miles can you bring me to the sea side?" I asked him. "Yeah sure."

He carried me over and dropped me off and I sat on a rock that was in the sand. I saw Sean walking over.

"Hey what did you want to talk to me about?"

"So Alyssa, you have been driving me crazy. You're a damn beautiful person, and I just want to say I think I'm falling for you."

I sat speechless. "You don't have to say anything, nothing at all, but I just needed to tell you, but we needed to be alone."

Without a hesitation, I kissed his cheek. It was lame but it made me happy. "Sean you've been super sweet to me, but I have Miles, and you and I, we're best friends. I hope you understand." I said.

"I completely understand." He shoo my hair around and laughed.

A few minutes pass by as we are watching everyone the sun slowly setting. He carries me back to the hotel and I plopped down on the bed and everyone was watching tv. Nick and Jenn left back to their room.

Oh I forgot to call Ethan, oops.

I get up from the bed with my cast and head out to the balcony and shut the door behind me. I called Ethan.

Ethan//Hey whats up
Alyssa//Just getting my laptop out, gonna edit my youtube video, how about you.
Ethan//I'm all good but you still didn't tell me all the new news that's happening there in Hawaii.
Alyssa//Well ever since you left, so many things have happened. Liam met a guy and he likes him, but the guys has a girlfriend. Then we met this guy name Sean and his sister kicked him out of his room so he came and is now living with us and I'm in a cast, but nothing's not that bad, but one big thing is Sean. I don't know if I like him or not, but its just oekcnenchgnekcn.
Ethan//I'm sorry Lyss, only if I stayed in Hawaii longer right? Oh by the way open the door.

All confused I limped as fast as I could into the room to the front door, I open the front door to Ethan

I rush and try to jump into his arms literally crying. "I'm so glad you're here." I said. "I'll always be here. I promise." He said.

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