12. Where are you bringing me?

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Ethan gives me a bandana and tells me to wrap it around my eyes so I wouldn't be able to see anything. Before I tied it around my eyes, I saw Thomas folding up my sheets on the balcony.

"Ethan where are you bringing me, seriously? Please promise this place won't kill me or anyone in it."

"Alyssa trust me they won't hurt you." It's been about an hour now and we're still walking.

"Ethan I'm not joking where are you taking me? You're scaring me." I said. "Look Lyss, just trust me. Nothing's going to harm you here."

We are still walking, walking, and walking. He then stops in his tracks. "Take the bandana off."

When I take it off I started to freak out and wanted to leave. Hy heart pounded a million times a second and I dropped to the ground. Everything went black.

Ethan picked me up and brought me into the hotel. "Can you tell me where the Morgan family is staying?"

"Floor J room 21." The lady at the front desk said.

Ethan went on to the elevator. "Ethan please stop I don't want to be here, put me down and let me go."

I tried to say with my dizzy mind. "No you're staying here and staying with your family."

The elevator went to a stop and I started to cry. I didn't I absolutely didnt want to be back here. I awkwardly counted the knocks on the door.

It happened, my mom opened up the door. She bursted out in tears and begged Ethan to come in. My dad knocked on everyones doors and everyone started to come in.

First Olivia and Billy walked in, then Miles's family, when Richard, Izzy, and Christian walked in, I was so glad to see them, but everyone else not so much. Finally, Sam and Miles walked in.

The whole room with chaos at 4 in the morning, soon went quiet. My mom pulled Ethan aside to ask him questions. Miles and Sam both sat on different sides of me while Christian was hugging Izzy. Izzy broke into smiling tears to be so glad to see me okay. Miles picked me up and brought me across the hall to my room and then I grabbed Miles's hand... When I got in I saw it was all cluttered, well obviously with 7 teens living in it.

Olivia, Billy, Izzy, Sam, Christian, Richard and Miles all watched as my eye sight got better and I was back to normal.

The first thing I said when I got up was, "Where's Ethan."

Izzy looked at all of the guys and non of them knew. It was 6 in the morning the time I would usually wake up and I went to my moms room. "Mom where's Ethan?"

"Well I invited him and his friends to come live with you guys."

"So hes coming back right."

"Yes he is, for the next month." I walked back in relief being able to know I'm going to see him again.

We all decided that the girls would move into Olivia's room and the guys would stay in my room. But ocasionally we would all hangout in the guys room. With nine ten in the same room gets really crazy.

(Sam, Miles, Richard, Ethan, Thomas, Christian, Izzy, Olivia, Billy, and I) But I'm glad im back.


Alyssa wakes up next to me and I feel her get up. I followed her and she was crying in the bathroom. I open the door and tell her to come with me. I couldn't stand to see her upset so I had to do something about it.

I grabbed my bandana and told her to put it around her eyes and she did so. "Don't peek no matter what."

I couldn't tell her where I was bringing her or the plan wouldn't work. She followed me for an hour and a half and she kept on complaining.

When she told me the story about her running a way, she told me the hotel she was staying at. So I'm brining her back. When I told her to take off her bandana she fainted. I picked her up and swung her over my shoulder. I went to the lady at the counter and asked what room they were staying in.

I took Alyssa up to the room and in the elevator, she tried to fight me to make me put her down.

I knocked on her mothers door three times and her mother answered. Her mom stood quiet and started crying, she told me to come in and lay her on the bed, I'm guessing her dad was the one who got up and got everyone to come into the room.

Alyssa's mom pulled me aside.

"Where'd you find her?"

"I didn't find her. She technically found me. She was running one morning and we exchanged numbers and she said that she needed somewhere to sleep so I invited her in."

"For how long?" "About two days."

"Did she eat?" "Yes she did."

"Whats your name?" "Ethan."

"Well Ethan thank you so much for bringing Alyssa back."

All of Alyssa's friends were lifting her back to her room.

"Look Ethan why don't you and your family or friends come and live with us, we have more then enough room." "It's just me and a friend." I said awkwardly.

"Thats amazing then come on go get your stuff and your friend." I then left.

Sam's P.O.V.

It's about four in the morning and I get a knock on the door. I open up to Alyssa's dad.

"Get the others up and meet in my room."

It sounded serious so I woke everyone up and went to Alyssa's moms room.

When everyone got out of the room Miles and I were the last ones out. When we got into the room we see Alyssa lying on the bed. I ran over to her side and looked down at her.

Miles says, "guys lets get her back to her room."

We lifted her up and laid her on the bed. She grabbed Miles's hand and I could say my heart dropped for a few seconds. A few hours later she woke up and asked where Ethan was and she got up.


Sam slaps me in the face. I woke up and yelled, "WHAT THE HELL MAN!" "Something serious is happening and every has to meet up in Alyssa's family room, everyones already there."

I get up with Sam and we rush over across the hall. When we walked in I couldnt believe it. Alyssa was laying down right in front of me.

Sam and I go on opposite sides of Alyssa and I say, "Let's bring her into the other room." I lifted her up and lay her on my bed across the hall.

When I lay her down she grabs my hand. I tried not to look at Sam but I could just feel that he was upset.. After Alyssa was wide awake she asked where ethan was. Then at 7:00 am a knock on our door, and Ethan and his friend moved in.

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