7. Why now?

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I got up to open the door, I thought it was a family member. But when I opened the door, it was someone completely different. I could even think, my heart sank and I didn't know what to do.

Sam was standing right in front of me. I turn around to Miles and see his sad face turn towards the camera. Sam walks in and kisses me. Right in front of Miles.

"Hey Lyssa! I missed you so much!" He said while dropping his suit cases and hugging me. "I didn't know you were coming!" I said while trying to put a happy tone to it.

"I know that's the reason, I wanted to come and surprise you!" He said squeezing me. "Suprise!" He said and laughed.

"Well, you sure did surprise me... come in." I said awkwardly. I walked over to Miles, I went out to the balcony and told Sam to hold on a second. I shut the balcony door. "Miles I'm soo sorry. I didn't know he was coming. But in regret now. To tell the truth....

I'm starting to like you.

I wanted to say it, but I couldn't. It was at the tip of my tongue but it couldn't. And it felt as if I was rushing myself.

... to tell the truth, I don't know what to do."

"Alyssa it's alright. You didn't know he was coming, it's alright. But I just want to spend time with you. You and I. Me and you. Just us for at least three hours a day alone together." Now that I wanted to tell him that I'm starting to like him. But now that Sam was here it made it a million times harder.

I walk back inside followed by Miles.

Miles says, "Sam, tonight Alyssa and I are gonna go bowling, wanna come?"

I stand there in silence not knowing what to say or do. Sam nods his head. Wait it's gonna be Sam, Miles, and I...

In the SAME room. For a month and like three weeks... Great it's literally going to be like a mini hell for me. I AM SO DAMN EXCITED. What's going to happen if either of them try to make a move? Or if Sam gets all touchy like he usually does when we are together?

"I'm gonna go tell my mom you're here!" I said trying my best to put it in a happy tone.

I went to my mom's room and I cried. I cried from fear. Do I still have feeling a for Sam? Or have I completely fallen for Miles. I explained my situation to my mom and she said the best solution, is to follow my heart...

In my mind I was thinking...

Why do you have to be so cliché mom, this is serious. Following my heart isn't enough at this moment.

I wiped the tears off my face and walked back into my room. We had to figure out where all of us were sleeping and I chose to sleep on this small couch. It was actually pretty comfy.

Miles, Sam and I all sat away from each other on our beds with our laptops and phones.

"Hey guys get ready its eight and bowling starts at nine, we should start getting ready."

They said.

I get my shorts on followed by a tanktop, and my phone rings. I check and it was Izzy calling me.

I go on to the balcony and answered the phone. As I answered the phone. I cried. Damn there has been a lot of crying for me today.

Izzy// Alyssa whats wrong, you're crying.
Alyssa// Sam, he's...
Alyssa// No, well, ish.
Izzy// What happened baby girl?
Alyssa// Sam is here, in Hawaii, he flew all the way out here and I don't know what to do...
Izzy// Wait what the heck. Why weren't me and Christian notified about this!?
Alyssa// I WASN'T EVEN NOTIFIED ABOUT IT, and I feel like it's already SO awkward between all of us.
Izzy// You know what, all you have to do right now is go with it and just relax.
Alyssa// Yeah you're right but honestly, I won't be able to calm down, but anyway I have to go we're bowling.
Izzy// Stay strong Alyssa! Love ya babes!

I hung up and went into the hallway. Miles and Sam were waiting for me. I was walking out the door and I ran to catch up with them, when I ran into a girl. "Oh gosh! Sorry I wasn't looking!" The girl looked at me. "No it's my fault, I don't know where I'm headed." She said.

"Oh I could help you!" I said smiling at her and offering her some help. She gets her friend and they tell me their room number.


I escort them to their room, "Nice to meet you neighbors." I smiled at them. I started to run back to Miles and Sam.

"By The Way!! I'm Olivia and this is Billy!" They yelled out to me. "I'M ALYSSA! SEE YOU GUYS LATER! By the way I live in J21, the door to you right!"

As I catch up to Sam and Miles, I slowed down. "Hey guys lets go." With Miles on my left and Sam on my right, things got awkward. They both took a hold of my two hands at the same time. I pulled away from both of them and I ran. I ran where no one could find me.

I ran away.

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