a different world

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You sat on the dusty, orange ground your home planet, Utopia, consisted of

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You sat on the dusty, orange ground your home planet, Utopia, consisted of. The silver tiara that was placed neatly upon your head began to fall off as you tilted your head downward, sighing as your brown orbs looked down at your bare feet. You took your tiara off before it could fall on the ground, taking your bottom lip between your teeth as you stared at it.

You loved Utopia dearly, for you lived with your father, King (Your Father's Name), and helped him keep his planet orderly and peaceful

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You loved Utopia dearly, for you lived with your father, King (Your Father's Name), and helped him keep his planet orderly and peaceful. Ever since your mother passed away from a plague that hit Utopia two years ago, it's been harder to keep the citizen's in a happy state. The loss of their queen hit them all hard, and it was as though a piece of Utopia was now missing.

The tiara that was in your hands was the tiara your mother once wore when she herself was a princess on the planet of Utopia. Your father was a descendent of the royal family— next in line for the crown to be exact. He met your mother on a cool winter night, and it was love at first sight; the two married at the tender age of eighteen, and awaited their fate to, one day, rule and guide the planet. Of course, after a year or two, you came into play, and now you would be the one to find a husband so both of you could prepare to rule Utopia together. The only problem was that you didn't find anyone on your planet the least bit attractive.

You had always wondered what it would be like to visit other planets. You loved the idea of exploring the galaxy and getting to know other people besides her own. Unfortunately, after the death of your mother, your father became extremely overprotective of you; your safety meant everything to him, and the thought of him losing his daughter after he lost his wife was not something he wanted to happen in reality.

You looked up from your tiara and looked at the planet in front of you. Malistia— the most dangerous planet of them all. Full of constant crimes and troublesome citizens, everyone from every single planet was forbidden access to Malistia. You couldn't help but wonder what went on that was so bad over there; sure, the reputation of the planet alone was enough to keep outsiders away, but you were different. You liked to see things for your own eyes, whether the outcome was good or bad.

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