get away

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"(Your Name)

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"(Your Name)..." Keith groaned as you continued to kiss upon his neck, his eyes closing as he allowed you access to his sweet spot. You both were currently in Keith's newly-purchased home that occupied five bedrooms, a loft area, three bathrooms, and a beautiful balcony area, as well as a thirteen feet pool out in the backyard. Keith was showing you a tour of his house, for you had been anxious to see it ever since he informed you of his purchase, but the tour ended rather quickly once you both hit his master bedroom. Somehow, things escalated from just conversing with one another, and now, you were straddling his waist while sucking upon his caramel toned skin.

"I love you," you mumbled against his skin, feeling a hand come in contact with your lower abdomen. Your lips were removed from Keith's as he pushed you away from his softly, your eyebrows furrowing in confusion. "What is it?" you asked, Keith shaking his head softly and looking down at his white vans that were decorated in a custom black outline. "Don't say that, (Your Name). We both know you don't love me the way I love you."

You and Keith had been good friends since junior year of high school. Growing up in South Sac was everything but magical, and somehow, you were blessed with Keith during your obstacles in the city, and sadly, everywhere else. The two of you depended on each other, for besides your family, you were the only people the both of you had. You depended on one another like no other, and while the course of your friendship lead to Keith's feelings for you, you always made it clear that you guys would only be friends. No, you didn't come right out and say such a thing, but your actions showed it; Keith would watch you be happy with every single guy he warned you about— the gangbangers, the dope slangers, the lean addicts— you were just interested in men that didn't fit Keith's caliber. Sure he was a little hood, but he wanted to be more than just a statistic; he didn't understand why you were interested in the men you were interested in, but after seeing you dodge the only good one in your life for so long, he gave up hope.

"W-what do you mean? I do love you, Keith, I always have, and—" "You only love me now because of what I have, (Your Name). You love the materialistic things I could give you, not the love and care I've been trying to give you ever since we were teenagers," Keith interrupted, looking up at you with no emotion in his eyes. He was really tired of having to feel as though he was crazy for feeling the way he felt; you loved to reject everything people saw about you, true or not, and it irritated him. He knew you better than anyone, but yet, you still felt like nobody knew you better than you did, and it's sad to say that you're the last person on the list to even know who you are.

"Ever since I got casted into Straight Outta Compton and started to pursue my acting career that I don't even think you thought I could go far in, you've been all on my tip. You never called me or 'checked up on me' as much as you do now, (Your Name), and it's sad to say that I feel like my own damn best friend is more of a gold digger than the rest of these thirsty hoes out in California," Keith snarled, his sadness turning into a fit of anger. You shook your head softly, your eyes becoming glossy due to the tears that were threatening to spill from your eye sockets. You didn't want to believe that you were suddenly treating Keith differently due to his status in society, but that was what you were doing. You were so accustomed to your behavior that you thought it was normal, and that's how you and Keith knew that you cared much more about materialistic things than the things that genuinely mattered.

"I-I'm sorry, Keith.." you stammered, sniffling as you wiped the tear that trickled down your cheek, sitting back in his lap, "I never meant to treat you any different than how I did back then. You were my best friend, and you still are.. I.. I just didn't know what I was missing back then. I was too caught up in the whole 'dating a bad boy' thing that.. I couldn't see that there was a successful, handsome, young man standing right in front of me— one who genuinely loved me for me; not my body, or anything else." Keith continued to look up at you as you spoke, "I want to show you that I've changed, that I don't just love you because of the money you have, the car you drive, or the house you live in.. I love you because you're you, baby boy, and regardless of who accepts you in this industry, or what people think of you, you'll never stop being you."

Keith licked his lips slowly as he leaned in and pressed his lips against yours, tucking his lips in and letting them plump back out after pulling away from your luscious lips. "Money isn't everything, baby girl, but there ain't no doubt in my mind that I would spend my entire fortune on you in order for you to give me all of your time.. I've always loved you, I just lost hope in you loving me in return."

"Keith," you whispered, running your thumb against his soft bottom lip, "I love you.. All the money in the world wouldn't be able to stop me from doing so." Keith couldn't help but let out a soft chuckle as you smiled, pecking his lips repeatedly. Keith smirked and spoke in between your pecks, "Lets get away." Your eyebrows furrowed as you stopped pecking his lips, looking in his eyes, "Get away? Where would we go? You have work to do, Keith, and—."

"Let's go to space.. Lets go anywhere you wanna go, baby. I don't care, I just wanna be with you.."

Biting down on your bottom lip, you sighed happily, "You be the pilot?" "You'll be my co," Keith winked softly, giving you another kiss as you giggled.

"roll up an L and light it
let's go to space
be my co, i'll be the pilot
let's get away."

i wanted to do another song based imagine

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i wanted to do another song based imagine. 💕 it didn't appeal to the entire song (the ex part) because i didn't feel like adding that.

this was a short, little upload that can make-up for my procrastination on as your friend. i started my last first day of school today, and i'm just making sure i stay on top of things. 🤷🏽‍♀️

i'll be editing my other stories, and may even be publishing new parts as well. 💛 look out for it tonight. i'm on my menstrual, so writing helps with my cramps (believe it or not). 😭

enjoy my loves. ❣️

song of imagine: get away x the internet 💫

— c. 🦄

tyree - k.p. imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now