backstage hookups - kinky imagine marathon: bryshere gray edition

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You stood backstage as you watched Bryshere performed his song "Have You Ever" onstage, pumping the crowd up by two-stepping to the beat of his song

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You stood backstage as you watched Bryshere performed his song "Have You Ever" onstage, pumping the crowd up by two-stepping to the beat of his song. You couldn't help but bob your head to the beat as well; a lot of people only knew Bryshere by his role as Hakeem Lyon on Empire, as well as Mike Biv in The New Edition Story, but the guy was really talented. It almost made you sad that people didn't take him seriously as an artist; they were truly sleep on him, but you knew he would give the world something they could never expect from someone else one day.

You were Bryshere's assistant, even though he never labeled you as such. He looked at you as more of a really close friend over the year you had been working with him, so you never felt as though being with him 24/7 was apart of your job. He always made everything fun for you, and never gave you too much to do to the point where you were stressed out like most assistants were. You loved that he was humble regardless of his success, and you couldn't say that about most well-known people in the music or acting industry.

You looked down at your clipboard that had Bryshere's schedule on it, looking over what he would be doing next after he finished his set. Wardrobe change. Your head shot up once you heard Bryshere's announcement through the microphone. "Thank you, Oakland! You've been so amazing tonight! I have a special little surprise for you before I perform my last set for you guys tonight," he said, smiling at the audience as they continued to cheer. The lights went dim in the arena the performance was being held in, cueing Bryshere to jog offstage and Algee to switch places with him.

Before Algee fully went onstage, he stopped Bryshere, sending him a heartwarming smile, "I wanna thank you again for letting me be a surprise appearance, bro. It means a lot." "Aye, no problem, man. Go out there and kill it," Bryshere nodded, patting Algee on the shoulder. Algee nodded towards him and jogged onstage, the lights going back to their normal setting and the audience screaming their lungs out once they saw who was onstage. As Algee made his introduction, you saw Bryshere walking over to you with the same loving smile he always wore on his face; you couldn't help but smile back at him.

"So what's next, (Your Name)?" Bryshere asked as someone else who worked backstage handed him a bottle of water. "Wardrobe change," you nodded, watching Bryshere untwist the cap from the water bottle and chug some water down. You bit down on your bottom lip softly as you watched a drop of water slide down from his juicy bottom lip all the way down to his neck. Bryshere caught you staring at him, taking the tip of the water bottle from his lips and chuckling softly, "Coo. Let's go then?" You snapped out of your trance once you heard his voice once more, clearing your throat and nodding.

You turned on your heel and walked towards Bryshere's dressing room with him right behind you. You could feel his eyes on your plump ass as you walked, causing you to blush. Once you reached his dressing room door, you pushed it open after twisting the handle and walked in, holding the door open for him. Bryshere walked in shortly after you, prompting you to close the door abruptly, setting your clipboard down on the counter in his dressing room.

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