do or die

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There you stood on the cement platform that was cracked and stained with fresh and old blood

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There you stood on the cement platform that was cracked and stained with fresh and old blood. The arena that surrounded you was packed, screaming audience members being heard from every angle. You clenched your fists tightly as the black hood covered your head, slightly covering your eyes so only you could see your opponent, but not the other way around.

This was it.

The present day was 2028, and the world had changed significantly. In 2019, the world came to a tragic end— buildings collapsing, 20.1 earthquakes happening across the globe, molten lava and gravel crumbling beneath civilians' feet, ultimately bringing them to their death— it was something you wish you didn't have to witness, for you had to watch your own family and friends die right in front of you.

While the outside world was collapsing, you were in a special laboratory owned by Dr. Zermoph. Still in high school, your science teacher had assigned all the students to a special doctor to interview, the students having to conduct a paper on the information they had obtained afterward. This assignment was given two weeks before the tragic event. After only two days of interviewing Dr. Zermoph, you realized he was a doctor that specialized in experimental testing, which meant he tested out different chemicals on humans to see if they could obtain immortal-like abilities. The revelation frightened you at first, but after some explaining from the doctor, you weren't as freaked out as you were before.

One day, Dr. Zermoph asked you if you could be one of his new test subjects for the chemicals. Of course, you were completely against the idea of unknown chemicals going into your body, but soon became open-minded about it when the doctor explained to you the benefits of it all. Your family wasn't the wealthiest in the city, and he explained that you would be paid a high salary for your participation. For the sake of your family, you decided to agree to it.

After a while of experimentation, you started to feel the effects of the different chemicals. You were stronger than you were before, you could suddenly read people's thoughts, feel people's emotions— it was bizarre. Once the end of the world started, Dr. Zermoph knew he wouldn't be able to survive it, but he knew you could. He had implemented a non-aging supplement into your system that was mixed with some type of lifespan drug that allowed you to stay alive forever. The only way you would be able to die is if you wanted to; there was a chip Dr. Zermoph put inside of your brain before the experimentation started. It allowed him to track the changes in your body, as well as see what chemicals/drugs were inside of your bodily fluids. In that chip was an antidote to every single one of the chemicals/drugs he had put inside you. If you said the 'enable' word that Dr. Zermoph had created for the chip, the antidote would travel throughout your body and eliminate everything within your body, thus causing you to become a normal human being again.

You never knew the abilities you were given would come in handy, for survivors of the end of the world were immortal just like you were. New rulers came into power, and planet Earth was in complete chaos. Everything was ran like the Victorian Age, just a futuristic version of it all. With new rulers came new rules, and that meant that there would have to be people working for said rulers. That's where the current scenario comes into play. You're a protector of the planet, sworn to defend your planet, as well as your rulers, with an iron fist. You went to war with enemies of the planet, and went on different missions to make sure nobody or nothing came to mess with the new planet the rulers had created. Treason was still looked down upon, but had even worse consequences if it was committed. Death. Death was the consequence.

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