as your friend [finale]

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"I'm done with her, Tabitha," Keith spoke into his phone while laying on his bed, "You might as well just cut my deadline short

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"I'm done with her, Tabitha," Keith spoke into his phone while laying on his bed, "You might as well just cut my deadline short. I feel the same way I felt when I made this wish." "Now Keith, we both know the words spewing from your mouth are ones of frustration. You love (Your Name), and if I cut your deadline short, you'd be calling out to me once more to have me add to it again," Tabitha said, causing Keith to sigh and run his fingers through his new growth. How did a damn wish fairy know more about his bipolar emotions than he did?

"I'm just losing faith in us. Everything that comes out of her mouth when she's upset is bullshit, bruh'. I don't know if I wanna deal with that all over again," Keith explained. "Would you rather deal with her flaws or lose her altogether? Think about it, Keith. Your deadline is still until tomorrow morning; good luck." And with that, the line went dead. Keith took his phone away from his ear and ended the call on his end, tossing his phone on the far left of his bed. He looked down at his sheets in deep thought; could this really be the end of you and him? He didn't want it to happen, but maybe it had to be this way in order for your lives to run accordingly. It's like the relationship the both of you shared was toxic, but exotic—not even because of the sexual tension that built up when you two were around each other, but because of the pure love you had for one another; it was beautiful, and rare.

Keith's thoughts were halted by the sound of heavy knocks on his door. He furrowed his eyebrows, for it was eleven at night, and he never had visitors this late. He got off of his bed and made his way downstairs, walking over to his front door that was still being banged on. "Alright, alright, hold the fuck on," Keith groaned in irritation, his hand coming in contact with the doorknob as he twisted it and swung the door open. His eyes bulged out of his eye sockets once they landed on your body hugged with lingerie.

You bit down on your bottom lip softly, your red bottoms clacking against Keith's tile floor as you pushed yourself inside of his house, closing the door behind you with a swift movement of your foot

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You bit down on your bottom lip softly, your red bottoms clacking against Keith's tile floor as you pushed yourself inside of his house, closing the door behind you with a swift movement of your foot. You grabbed the back of Keith's neck and pulled him towards you so your faces were inches away from one another; you leaned your back up against his front door as your right hand made its way behind your back, locking the door while your left hand slid from the back of his neck, down to his chest slowly. You brushed your lips against his slowly, Keith's breathe hitching in the process; your minty breathe filled his nostrils as you spoke, "Let me show you how much I love you."

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