come and see me [finale]

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You took off your seatbelt slowly as your eyes stayed glued on the gigantic apartment complex that was visible through the Uber driver's backseat car window

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You took off your seatbelt slowly as your eyes stayed glued on the gigantic apartment complex that was visible through the Uber driver's backseat car window. "This is the right address?" Hazel asked you as you opened the car door, nodding. "Yeah, it is." You still couldn't believe that the Keith Powers wanted you to come over to his apartment. It was so unreal to you, especially because no man has ever asked you to come over to see him after just meeting you a couple minutes prior— at least not a man of Keith's caliber. You were excited, yet nervous, to say the least, but you knew damn well that you would be stupid as hell to decline Keith's offer. Once he had texted you his address, you immediately let the Uber driver know the change of destination, which landed you outside of Keith's living space.

"Have fun, okay? Come home— or don't —once you finish, alright?" Hazel winked, causing your eyes to widen. You slapped her arm softly as you climbed out of the convertible, causing her to laugh. "Shut up, Haze. I'll text you when I'm on my way back home," you stated. "Alright, bye girl!" You shut the car door behind you and watched Hazel wave to you as the car speed off down the street. You watched as it left, slowly turning around to face the front of Keith's apartment complex. You took in a deep breath and exhaled it, making your way through the complex.

You took your phone out and unlocked it, instantly going to your contacts and pressing on Keith's designated contact name. You watched as your phone screen transferred to one that indicated a call was in session, holding your phone up to your ear. You heard the phone ring twice before Keith answered the phone, "Hey, baby girl." You felt a shiver run down your spine at how low his deep was. Could this man be anymore sexier than he already is? "Hey, I'm in your apartment complex. What's your room number?" you asked, walking over to the elevators. You pressed the up button as you listened to Keith's response, "Room 230." You nodded as though he could hear you, watching as the elevator doors opened and walking inside, "Okay, I'm coming up right now." "Great. I'll see you in a second," Keith stated. You pressed the number 'two' button on the elevator panel and waited until the elevator doors closed, leaning against the railing inside of the elevator. "Alright, bye."

Once you ended the phone call, you put your phone in your back pocket and waited until the elevator stopped on the second floor. It didn't take long for you to hear the 'ding' sound the elevator made once it reached the desired floor, and once the elevator doors opened, you quickly stepped out and looked at the sign in front of you that had the range of room numbers on them. You examined the sign and started walking to your right once you realized rooms 215-230 were on the right side. Your steps became less rushed as you came closer to Keith's room number. You felt your heart begin to beat faster as you read the numbers off:




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