as your friend

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"You're always doing this, Keith!" you screamed as you made your way up the stairs of the house you and Keith shared

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"You're always doing this, Keith!" you screamed as you made your way up the stairs of the house you and Keith shared. You heard the footsteps behind you, indicating that Keith was, indeed, following you. You two were having another one of your weekly disagreements, and even though you were exhausted with the constant fighting, you couldn't help yourself, and neither could he.

You had caught Keith at another strip club with the rest of his friends, and you weren't happy about it. You were all for him going out and hanging with his boys, but why go to a strip club when he had you at home? You did everything and more than what the girls at the club could do for him, so why did he feel the need to be blowing cash on random hoes he had no connection with? It pissed you off to the very utmost, and the fact that you asked him not to do it time and time again to no avail made you want to give up on everything the two of you had built together.

"You're acting like I fucked somebody, (Your Name)!" Keith yelled as you walked into the master bedroom the two of you shared. You turned around to look at him, "I don't give a fuck, Keith! I asked you not to go there anymore! There's so many more places that L.A. is known for other than gentlemen clubs, and you went anyway after I asked you, no, pleaded with you, not to go." Keith sighed as you shook your head and turned back around, walking into your bathroom. He stood in the same spot as he took in the words you said; he understood that you were territorial, but he felt as though he couldn't have any type of fun being with you.

To him, you had to remember that the rest of his friends were single males, and Keith wasn't the type to associate with just anybody, so making new friends wasn't really an option. He started telling you where he was going when his friends gave him the heads up of the plots they had made, but they slowly stopped doing so once Keith let them know that you had a problem with where they were going. With them, it was now either Keith showed up to find out what they were going to do, or he wouldn't show up at all. His friends were even sick of your constant complaining, and to Keith, that said a lot about, what he called, 'your ridiculous behavior'.

It was always him in the wrong when shit went left between you two, and he was sick of it. No matter how hard he tried to cooperate with you, you made it so hard, and sometimes he found himself asking why he ever got out of the friend zone with you in the first place. The two of you had been best friends since high school, and things were so much better that way. You would actually accompany him to clubs and just be wild and free; you knew nothing less than that, but ever since Keith asked you out on your first date with him, you changed.

Keith was ushered out of his thoughts once he saw you walk out of the bathroom with your night cap occupying your head. He could still see the angry expression on your face, and it made him groan in stress. You looked up at him with a stank face, "I know you're not trying to act as though you're stressed because of me. You're in the wrong here, not me! I listen to you when you ask me not to do shit." "Do you really, (Your Name)? I ask you not to nag me about the shit I do every day, and do you still do that shit? Yes. I ask you to remember that I am yours and only yours, and your insecurity level should lower, but do you listen? No. Don't try to make shit one sided, because that's how you're gonna piss me off even more than you already have," Keith spat, causing your jaw to drop in shock. Was he fuckin' serious?

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