backstage hookups part two - kinky imagine marathon: bryshere gray edition

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You stayed in Bryshere's dressing room as he finished his last set onstage

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You stayed in Bryshere's dressing room as he finished his last set onstage. Due to the fact that you couldn't even stand from the work Bryshere's tongue out on you, you had to call backup to make sure Bryshere knew what was going on from behind the scenes. As you sat on Bryshere's couch that was designated inside his dressing room, you were plotting different ways to catch him off guard; you weren't fond of the way he made you feel weak up under him, and you had to show him how aggressive you could really be when it came to all things sexual.

'I'm gonna show you how shit's really done, Yazz,' you thought to yourself, referring to Bryshere as his stage name, 'Trust and believe that.' And with that, you got up off of his couch and made your way back to the same room Bryshere had you screaming in. You closed and locked the door behind you, looking into the full-body mirror that was standing up against the wall of the room. You looked into the mirror to observe yourself unbuttoning your button-down blouse slowly, watching your lingerie become visible.

Your shirt slid down your shoulders all the way down off of your arms, dropping on the floor silently. You unbuttoned the pants that covered your flawless legs, sliding them off of your legs for the second time in the matter of ten minutes; kicking your heels off, you took your pants from around your ankles and looked up in the mirror once again. Your hair was up in a high bun when you first came to Bryshere's gig, but since he had you laid down on the couch and squirming away from his wet muscle, your high bun became more of a messy bun instead. You took your hair tye out of your hair and let your hair fall down to your shoulders; it was still messy, but it looked sexier.

You sat down on the couch to put your heels back on, standing up shortly after and making your way back in front of the mirror. You observed your body that was still slightly covered by the lingerie you had on; your curves were very much evident and your melanin skin was glowing much more than it regularly did. You didn't know if it was the sexual tension that was building up inside of you, but you knew you liked the way you looked. Your lips formed a slight smirk; Bryshere was in for the surprise of a lifetime.

You took your eyes off of your reflection once you heard the front door to Bryshere's dressing room open and close. His voice echoed off the walls, "(Your Name)? Where you at, baby girl? I know you're still not limping around this room from that little tongue action I gave you earlier." You could tell he was smirking, and boy, did it make your adrenaline rush. 'Time to wipe that smirk off his face,' you thought as you walked confidently over to the door that separated the back room from the main room. You slowly unlocked the door and opened it, positioning yourself in the doorway, leaning against the door frame.

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