as your friend [5]

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Your eyes fluttered open slowly, adjusting to the bright ray of sunshine that was shining through Keith's blinds

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Your eyes fluttered open slowly, adjusting to the bright ray of sunshine that was shining through Keith's blinds. Your orbs immediately reverted to the sleeping, caramel toned man beside you, his mouth slightly open and his chest heaving up and down from his soft breathing. Your lips curled upward slightly as you watched him in his peaceful state, your thoughts running wild.

You were really waking up beside Keith, and it was just as you dreamed it to be. You let your left hand slowly rise up and come in contact with his shoulder; your index finger traced down his body in a soothing manner, coming to a halt once it reached Keith's abs. Your bottom lip tucked under your top row of teeth before sliding out, a quiet sigh escaping your lips.

Although this was everything you've ever wanted, you couldn't help but feel like it was only happening because you gave it up. You knew Keith for a while, and he never gave that 'fuckboy' vibe, but something in the back of your mind just told you that there was a catch to sleeping in his bed with him—as if there was some.. condition that followed.

Your doubts weren't because of Keith's character, it was mainly because of your distrust in the opposite sex. Your heart always ended up with new scarring every time you put your trust in a man, or gave him your all; it was as though men loved to spit in your face after you gave them the world, and you were so tired of being gullible enough to allow it. Keith knew your circumstances when it came to relationships, which is why he understood why you were never open to having one with anybody, including him. Little did you know that not being with you was hurting him more than it was hurting you.

Your train of thought was interrupted once you heard an exasperated groan, Keith's eyes opening slowly, a sleepy smile being created on his face in the process. You glanced down at his lips and looked back up into his eyes, a smirk now replacing his smile. "What?" you whispered with a soft giggle. "You love lookin' at my lips, don't you?" Keith mumbled, licking his lips slowly. A soft nod from you answered his question, and all he could do was chuckle and wrap his arms around you, pulling you closer to his body.

You let your head rest on his chest as he kissed the top of your head, rubbing your exposed back soothingly. You looked down to see the both of your bodies still entangled in Keith's silk covers, reminding yourself of the fiasco that took place last night. Instead of it making you smile, it reminded you of the rollercoaster of a conversation you were having with yourself inside of your head.

A frown appeared on your face, concerning Keith, "What's wrong, baby girl?" "Nothing," you shook your head, getting out of his embrace and sliding off the bed. Keith's eyebrows furrowed as he watched you wrap his silk comforter around your naked body and make your way towards his master bathroom; he got out of his bed after you, sliding on his boxers that were on the floor beside him. "I have to do some things today, so I won't be able to stay over here for long," you stated, lying through your teeth. You had no real tasks to do for the day, but you knew you couldn't engulf yourself in Keith's presence for long. It would definitely make you feel some type of way, and you weren't in the mood for the depression feels you would soon experience because of the doubts you had about the relationship between you and Keith.

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