break from toronto ↠ the mini series

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     Your chin was placed perfectly in the middle of the palm of your hand while your elbow rested on the door handle of your best friend's Jeep

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     Your chin was placed perfectly in the middle of the palm of your hand while your elbow rested on the door handle of your best friend's Jeep. Your eyes never faltered from the window that allowed you to take in the beautiful state of California—you had never seen a place so full of diversity and endless beauty; it made you happy. The small smile creeping upon your face was noticed by your best friend as she glanced over at you; you had been quite the entire road trip, and it almost made her worry about you—that was, until, she realized who exactly she was dealing with. You had always been an introverted type of person, never speaking unless spoken to, or wanting to read a book and enjoy a nice cup of green tea rather than going out and partying until you were sloppy drunk. That was one of the many reasons why she loved you so much; you were different, and she never had to act as though she was someone else around you.

     "You okay, love bug?" she asked with a soothing voice to ensure that you weren't startled by her sudden outburst. You never looked over at her, but you made sure that your voice was as sweet as pie to let her know that you were just great, "I'm fine, Haz." Hazel had been your best friend since the beginning of high school; you remembered the first day you met her, and boy, were you glad you did. You were sitting in the cafeteria alone, for you were a new resident to the school—hell, to the country alone— for you had moved from New Jersey all the way to Canada. Yeah, crazy right? Well, your mother didn't think so. The job opportunity she was given out there ensured her a much higher pay, and for her, it was a no brainer. You felt as though she didn't even think about how you would feel about the situation; you had to leave all of your friends and create a brand new life in a country you didn't know all too well. It was a scary transition for you, and since nobody had come your way that first day of freshman year, it was even more of an obstacle—that was until you saw a petite, curly haired melanin beauty coming your way.

     "Hi! Is it cool if I sit here with you?" Those were the first set of words Hazel had spoken to you, and those were the first set of words that would identify who your best friend throughout, and after, high school would be. You guys had hit it off right from the start, and from that day, the both of you vowed to never leave each other's side. And guess what? You guys never did. Hazel had informed you that she had never been to the U.S., and that it was a dream of hers to visit, especially after you told her how it was out in New Jersey. To others, Jersey wasn't the ideal place to be, but for you, it was home, so of course you had nothing but good things to say about it. Because of your input on America as a whole, Hazel felt even more obligated to visit the States, and she had made it a plan to visit right after the both of you graduated from high school. Now, here the both of you were, four years later, taking a road trip down to America.

     You read the sign that said Beverly Hills as Hazel drove past it on the freeway. You hadn't even realized you guys had reached California until now; how long had you been zoned out? You noticed Hazel merging over to the far right lane, indicating that she was exiting the freeway. You furrowed your eyebrows slightly, looking over at her, "Where are you going? We're nowhere close to Jersey." "Can a girl get some rest from driving, (Your Nickname)?" Hazel asked with a slight chuckle. She had been driving for more than six hours total, so you couldn't even blame her for wanting to stop to get some rest. You didn't say another word as Hazel typed in searches for the nearest hotel, making her way to the closest one with four to five stars in ratings.

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