appreciation post ❣️

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i want to say this before i go off to bed 💛, thank you guys so much for believing in me. i'm so happy that i have you guys as my family— no, not some random ass readers— but family, here on this app, and in reality.

you guys truly care about my well-being and are always giving encouragement to, not only me, but one another. ❤️ it makes me so happy to see you guys interacting with each other and meeting new people all because of a book on an app. isn't that crazy? 😩

i really do appreciate y'all, man.. and i'm sorry if i don't make that shit evident enough because, damn.. where would i be without y'all? yall have become my best friends, and i wouldn't change that for the world. 💕 we're like this 🤞🏾, and nothing, nor anyone, is going to change that.

y'all are my luh' babies 🤧❤️ i don't even simp, but y'all make me do it daily. i can be so open with y'all, and i just.. 😍😭 i love y'all so much.

hm.. do y'all want another marathon of kinky ass imagines because of the loyalty? 🤔😭💕 or a marathon of as your friend? it's up to you, just let me know. 😘 i'll take ideas as well!

if you don't have my crazy ass rant book in your library, and you like to read and laugh and sip tea, go add it now. 💕 i interact with y'all a lot more on there. these author's notes are going to stop being posted here, and are going to be transferred to that book. the only time i'll make an author's note on here is if it pertains to this book specifically.

that's all for right now, though. 💕


CYD'S KYDDS 4L! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

— c. 🦄

tyree - k.p. imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now