who's your daddy? [finale]

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It was now around eight o'clock at night and you were on your way to the Powers' residents to see Keith, just as he demanded you to do

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It was now around eight o'clock at night and you were on your way to the Powers' residents to see Keith, just as he demanded you to do. You very rarely listened to anybody, especially when they had the nerve to yell in your face— shit, you fucked people up on a daily for not knowing who the fuck they were dealing with— but Keith? He had your panties soaking earlier that day, and you weren't even willing to front anymore. You were intrigued by him and his intentions, so it was only right to see what he was really about.

You parked your red 2017 Chevrolet Camaro ZL1 in Keith's driveway, getting out of it and locking it once you had your mini off-white Michael Kors backpack in your possession. You weren't into the fancy cars and name brand clothing and accessories, but you busted your ass off daily ever since you were five years old to be able to save up and get what you wanted in the future without any worries. You didn't like to flaunt your money around, but you were going to make it known that if you worked hard enough for the things you want to achieve in life, anything will be possible for you. The Chevrolet Camaro was your dream car, and you just happened to be able to afford the newest one on the market.

Holding onto the tan straps of your mini backpack, you walked up towards the front door of Keith's house

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Holding onto the tan straps of your mini backpack, you walked up towards the front door of Keith's house. You knocked on it softly and looked down at your freshly shaved legs; you were always prepared just in case something went down, and you had a feeling something would most definitely be going down with Mr. Powers himself tonight. After five seconds of waiting, the front door swung upon, revealing Keith in nothing but grey sweatpants. You quickly looked up at him, your eyes somewhat lingering on the bulge in his sweatpants. "You see somethin' you like, baby girl?" Keith smirked, causing you to roll your eyes slowly. "Either you gon' let me in, or I'm leavin'," you said, crossing your arms over your chest. Keith couldn't help but let out a chuckle, and open his door wider, indicating that you can come inside.

"Thank you," you fake smiled, walking inside and looking around. You had to admit that his home was absolutely gorgeous— his parents had great taste. An all white room was arranged on the right side of the house, the living room and kitchen connected together, only to be decorated with beautiful paintings on the wall and a mixture of dark blue, champagne, and all white furniture. 'Gorgeous,' you whispered to yourself, Keith walking up towards you. "I know it is," he smirked, letting you know that he heard you, "Come on upstairs." "Why would I go upstairs with you?" you asked with a raise of an eyebrow. Keith looked you up and down slightly, taking his bottom lip between his perfect set of white teeth, "If you didn't wanna go up in my room with me, you wouldn't have wore those small ass shorts to come to my crib. Bring yo' ass up here 'cause if I have to ask a second time, it won't be so nice, ma'."

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