as your friend [3]

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"I wanna take you out on a date," Keith blurted out, causing you to almost spit out the water you were gulping down

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"I wanna take you out on a date," Keith blurted out, causing you to almost spit out the water you were gulping down. Keith had just gotten off the phone with the 'wish fairy', and ever since he found out about the loophole to the damage he caused, he's been coming up with ideas in his head for your guys' first— well, second attempt to your guys' first date.

A minute hadn't even passed before Keith came strolling back into his living room to see you perfectly relaxed before he could ease you into cooperating with him on the plans he had for the both of you. Keith just stared at you as you swallowed the water in your mouth, coughing due to some of it going down the wrong pipe because of Keith's statement. You finally looked up at your best friend, trying to find an ounce of sarcasm in his eyes; there was none.

"You're serious?" you asked, furrowing your eyebrows and putting your water bottle down on the table in front of you after screwing the cap back on. "As serious as a heart attack," Keith nodded honestly. "Why are you asking me this out of nowhere? I-I mean, we've known each other for years, and you've never brought up a date until now," you stammered, trying to wrap your head around Keith's strange behavior. Sure, Keith was always strange, but ever since he called you this morning in a panic, calling you pet names such as 'baby', you knew something was really wrong. You couldn't deny that the small little feelings you had for Keith ever since you laid eyes on him wasn't there, but you never thought he'd have the same feelings for you. It was never a central idea in your head, and it kind of scared you.

"Because I love you, (Your Name). I always have, and I'm sorry that it's taken me so long to say that," Keith nodded, walking towards you and sitting down beside you, intertwining your fingers with his, "I want to show you just how much I love you, baby girl. Let me take you out on one date. If you don't have a good time, I won't bother you with my feelings for you. If you have a great time, I'll continue to pursue you.. Deal?"

You chewed on your bottom lip softly as you looked down at your and Keith's intertwined fingers. You contemplated in your head whether or not this was the way to go; you didn't want to ruin the friendship you had built with Keith, and you didn't want things to be awkward on the date. This would be your first real date with someone, and your date being your best friend was odd to you. Could you really go through with this?

"Okay.. One date," you sighed, the corners of Keith's mouth turning upward. "Great!" he exclaimed, getting up from the couch and dragging you up with him, "Go and get ready! I'll be at your place in about three hours so you can get ready and all that." "But—," you started, Keith dragging you to the front door of his house and opening it, pushing you out of it. "See ya soon!" Keith smiled, ignoring your attempts to halt his actions as he closed the door and locked it. He turned around and rubbed his hands together slowly while quickly walking up his stairs and into his room, "Time to make the best first impression I can make as her date and not just her best friend."

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